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Kikuya Iwasaki

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Application [30 Jan 2011|11:38am]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Nix
AIM (if you have one): BlackInkedWords
Character Name: Kikuya Iwasaki, code name Super Geisha
Character LJ (if applicable): supergeisha
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'1", 105 pounds, has long black hair and dark brown eyes, appears to be about 18 years old.
Age:  87
Birthday: April 10, 1923
PB: (If using one.) Du Juan
Abilities: Physical attributes to the peak of human performance, save for enhanced strength.  She is extremely flexible, agile, and fast.  She is versed in several languages (Chinese, Japanese--modern and classical, English, French, and German) and can play numerous classical Japanese musical instruments.  She also has expert martial arts skills and has possession of a fan with razor edges that she wields as a weapon.  She also ages at an extremely decreased pace.
Weaknesses and flaws: Kikuya is human and while she does not get sick often, she could still be harmed by illness, poison, or injury.  As she has no magical abilities, she could also be harmed by magic.
Character location/Home: Tokyo
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): None. 
Backstory: The United States had the Super Soldier project.  It resulted in Captain America.  Japan had their own human enhancement program.  It resulted in the Super Geisha.  Kikuya Iwasaki was selected from hundreds of young geisha to be part of the program as the Japanese government hoped to make her into the perfect spy: beautiful, talented, able to charm and seduce powerful and important men, and absolutely lethal.  The program was quite the success, with Kikuya being transformed in the spring of 1941.  However, with WWII raging, the government had to focus on other needs and she was the only Super Geisha ever created and the formula for how to do so was lost in the atomic bombings of Japan at war's end.  Kikuya remained in hiding in a geisha house in Kyoto for decades prior to being approached to serve her government as a part of Big Hero 6.  There she is regarded with great honor, recognized for her elegance and skill as well as her patriotic badassery.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Debuting with the Big Hero 6
What are you planning to do with this character?  Silly shenanigans with her team, various crossovers.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Explore life outside of being a geisha or the Super Geisha.
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Test Scene [30 Jan 2011|12:00pm]
"Casual Friday" at the Big Hero 6 offices meant that Kikuya cold wear her blue kimono and no makeup.  Actually what it meant was that she could wear 'regular' clothing but the idea was horrifying to her.  Why, exactly, did women want to encase their legs in heavy blue fabric that made them look as to be walking frozen sausages?  She did not understand, though she had made one concession to trend, as it were; she wore black flipflops.

With stockings.

As she walked down the hall the shoes made such a delightful soft little sound hitting against her stockinged feet.  Kikuya couldn't help but smile with her eyes.
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