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Kikuya Iwasaki ([info]supergeisha) wrote,
@ 2014-01-18 22:40:00

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Culture Clash
They had been in the United States for only a few days and while the sights were lovely and she had enjoyed the food far more than she anticipated, Kikuya was a little tired.  Walking in Western shoes was different and made her use her muscles differently for starters, but some of the comments that had been made wore on her.

During a break in the day, Kikuya sat in a far corner of a Starbucks waiting for Amiko, contemplating what sort of treat she might get for Grogg as she sat.

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2014-01-19 03:31 am UTC (link)
"Well, one reason might be envy, of one or the other of you, but I've got a sinking feeling that's not the kind of comments you're talking about. What did they say."

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2014-01-19 03:41 am UTC (link)
"Someone said something about how I am...how did they put it? That I am not a man's slave." She frowned. "That Hajime-sama should get his own tea."

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2014-01-19 03:47 am UTC (link)
"Ah. Yes. That." Amiko sighed. "In America, serving for a romantic partner sometimes has connotations of force and abuse -- or at least, cultivated ignorance. They very, very obviously don't know you or Hajime."

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2014-01-19 03:51 am UTC (link)
Kikuya blinks.

"Romantic partner? They...they think Hajime-sama and I are romantically involved?"

A frown starts to settle on her face.

"And that, if we were, he harms me?"

The reclaimed wood table creaks just a little from the suddenly increased pressure of the Super Geisha's hand on it.

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2014-01-19 03:56 am UTC (link)
"Kikuya..." Amiko almost says 'please stay calm,' but it's Kikuya. Amiko won't imply she needs to be told. "They don't know him. They're replacing both of you with concepts. It's fed into by a bit of a stereotype: potentially abusive American men sometimes talk of getting themselves a demure Japanese woman... At any rate, while if they saw you painting, they wouldn't try to knock the brush out of your hand and say 'the boy can draw his own pictures!', their inclination at serving tea is to lump you in with the concept of cultivatedly ignorant, probably abused women. I'm sorry."

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2014-01-19 04:00 am UTC (link)
"But they are insulting him by assuming! And...even by assuming more about his feelings than anything else. Do they not realize the honor it is that he allows me to serve him?"

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2014-01-19 04:09 am UTC (link)
Amiko finally smiles again. "I've been told the honor is his."
A breath. "Regardless, yes, their assumptions are insulting. But they are not looking at Kazuhiro Hajime, kensai for the Empire, the world's second-greatest samurai." Kikuya will know that not the least slight is intended by the 'second.' It has nothing to do with logic and everything to do with Amiko's unshakeable conception of Her Father. "And he will remain absolutely himself whatever ignorant people think."

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2014-01-19 04:14 am UTC (link)
"I worry that he will think that their misunderstandings is an insult to me and that it will upset him. I do not worry that it will change him or how we interact, but I worry about him not allowing himself to enjoy my gifts because of insult. This distresses me."

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2014-01-19 04:16 am UTC (link)
"I admit, I'm worried I'll have to tell him not to kill someone."

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2014-01-19 04:22 am UTC (link)
"I worry about this as well. He should not be defending me, particularly not to lethal levels. It is not my honor in the way here. Why, why would they assume his feelings? I do not understand Americans. I never have."

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2014-01-19 04:24 am UTC (link)
"Now that Kikuya, I admit I would call an honest mistake." If a mistake at all, but Amiko's trying not to jinx them, to their own minds.

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2014-01-19 04:29 am UTC (link)
"I suppose there is no accounting for a culture who thinks Memoirs of a Geisha is fact."

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2014-01-19 04:33 am UTC (link)
"They have their good points. Everywhere does."

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2014-01-19 04:37 am UTC (link)
"Amiko-chan, these are the people who wear...skinny jeans?"

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2014-01-19 04:40 am UTC (link)
"Not all of them! My family have taste ... in their own way."

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2014-01-19 04:41 am UTC (link)
"I have met your family. I was under the impression that, despite being in America, they still strongly identify as Canadian and therefore have better manners."

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2014-01-19 04:42 am UTC (link)
"Well, yes. Aside from the Mets, of course. Good point."

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2014-01-19 04:52 am UTC (link)
"Canadians are different than Americans. They also have exquisite maple syrup. Perhaps I should acquire some for Hajime-sama. I have been trying to explain various world cuisines to him."

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2014-01-26 04:40 am UTC (link)
"If you want any recipe recommendations, whether for Canadian, Russian, or German, just let me know, and I'll call the right people."

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2014-01-26 04:44 am UTC (link)
"I will have to remember that. I appreciate your assistance. I think that given our proximity to Canada at present I will start with the maple syrup. I think it may be easiest to explain."

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