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Kikuya Iwasaki ([info]supergeisha) wrote,
@ 2014-01-17 23:56:00

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Outside Kawazu in an area politely removed from the comings and goings of the tourists who filled the town to bursting each year during sakura season stood a little, traditional house itself half-hidden among the sakura.  Even the proper residents of Kawazu often paid no notice to the house as it seemed to disappear when the sakura were in full bloom, though everyone had something they could contribute about the woman who lived there--she was quiet, she was reclusive, she was kind to children who stumbled onto her property, that she was an old woman with a girl's face.

The house had been Kikuya's one secret, a treasure she had tucked away from the government and even from her friends during her service to Japan.  It was the house she had been born in, owned by her grandfather and carefully, privately shuffled along until a time when Kikuya herself had taken ownership of it and in her hands it remained less of a home and more of a token connecting her to the life that slipped away when the government had turned her into what she was.

Now it was all she had, a private place where no one bothered her and no one knew that the private woman at the end of the lane in the house was once a national hero.  No one knew that she had once been Super Geisha.  No one knew that she had been taken away from the only thing that mattered to her.  They just knew that every year, just before Tanabata, she came into town to mail a package to a man in the city, the package absent of a return address, but wrapped in the colorful wish papers of the holiday.

And every year, on Tanabata, Hajime receives a package wrapped in the colorful papers of wishes, the postal service acting as a flock of magpies creating a bridge, though outside Kawazu, Kikuya isn't sure he even knows that his mysterious admirer send him books not from the heart of a smitten fan, but instead from a familiar, long-thought-lost heart.

Two days after Tanabata, Kikuya rises as she always does at dawn and goes outside to watch the sun rise.

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2014-01-19 03:49 pm UTC (link)
She laughs a little, quietly and with one hand to her lips.

"You would not believe this, perhaps, but in 1942, during the war and not terribly long after the start of my active service to our government I was assigned not as a geisha, but to be a simple 'housewife'. I discovered during that time that I enjoy cooking. Had I been expecting you there would be a feast waiting for you, Hajime-sama."

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2014-01-19 03:57 pm UTC (link)
"I did not know that." And it puts some very different thoughts in his head. He'll need to talk to Amiko. Oh yes.

"Then perhaps this evening, or tomorrow if time is needed to prepare, you would do me the honor of cooking, as well as serving?"

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2014-01-19 04:09 pm UTC (link)
"I will show you photographs later if you would like. I think you might find them amusing."

When he asks her to cook for him, along with the mention of tomorrow which threads in her mind to create a string of days forward from the moment, she feels nearly giddy inside. The smile at her lips widens.

"This evening would be a perfect time to prepare and serve your meal. I will need to make a trip to the market for a few things. Perhaps you would like to accompany me? There is a book shop you would enjoy along the way."

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2014-01-19 04:16 pm UTC (link)
"I would enjoy all of that, yes. I will look forward to the book shop and taking some suggestions on things you might read to me in the days to come. I am assured that I should not have any financial difficulties with typical items like books."

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2014-01-19 04:19 pm UTC (link)
"If Amiko-sama has been handling your affairs you should have no financial issues at all, though I am hoping you will permit me to procure your books for you. It is my responsibility to keep your literary needs met at the highest level." A pause, a thoughtful look on her face. "And the government owes you a bit of restitution for leaving you without appropriate service in my absence. Their payments to me are suited for this."

At least that's how she sees it.

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2014-01-19 04:22 pm UTC (link)
He considers this. After all, he should be paying for things - even if its technically someone else paying with his money. Books, however, are a grey area, and it wouldn't do to refuse. It just takes him a moment.

"Very well. But I will purchase the groceries for dinner. But yes, Amiko-sama has been looking after my financial affairs."

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2014-01-19 04:34 pm UTC (link)
"It gives me joy to acquire your books. Thank you, Hajime-sama. Then it is settled. After tea, you may contact Amiko-sama regarding where you are and other arrangements and then I will prepare us both for our trip into town." She smiles. "Kawazu is my family's home. This very house is where I am from."

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