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Kikuya Iwasaki ([info]supergeisha) wrote,
@ 2014-01-17 23:56:00

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Outside Kawazu in an area politely removed from the comings and goings of the tourists who filled the town to bursting each year during sakura season stood a little, traditional house itself half-hidden among the sakura.  Even the proper residents of Kawazu often paid no notice to the house as it seemed to disappear when the sakura were in full bloom, though everyone had something they could contribute about the woman who lived there--she was quiet, she was reclusive, she was kind to children who stumbled onto her property, that she was an old woman with a girl's face.

The house had been Kikuya's one secret, a treasure she had tucked away from the government and even from her friends during her service to Japan.  It was the house she had been born in, owned by her grandfather and carefully, privately shuffled along until a time when Kikuya herself had taken ownership of it and in her hands it remained less of a home and more of a token connecting her to the life that slipped away when the government had turned her into what she was.

Now it was all she had, a private place where no one bothered her and no one knew that the private woman at the end of the lane in the house was once a national hero.  No one knew that she had once been Super Geisha.  No one knew that she had been taken away from the only thing that mattered to her.  They just knew that every year, just before Tanabata, she came into town to mail a package to a man in the city, the package absent of a return address, but wrapped in the colorful wish papers of the holiday.

And every year, on Tanabata, Hajime receives a package wrapped in the colorful papers of wishes, the postal service acting as a flock of magpies creating a bridge, though outside Kawazu, Kikuya isn't sure he even knows that his mysterious admirer send him books not from the heart of a smitten fan, but instead from a familiar, long-thought-lost heart.

Two days after Tanabata, Kikuya rises as she always does at dawn and goes outside to watch the sun rise.

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2014-01-18 05:56 am UTC (link)
Which leads back to the small, traditional house hidden amidst the sakura on the outside edge of town and a tiny, delicate woman outside wrapped in what might pass for a robe but is really a very simple kimono, singing very quietly without anyone might hear or see her. It's still early, after all, though dawn is well behind her.

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2014-01-18 05:59 am UTC (link)
There is a knock at the door. It may still be coincidence, after all, so he tries not to get his hopes up. Still, the books were just... well, right, somehow. And the name, of course.

He waits just outside the door, dressed in his favored old-world style... thankfully, in much of Japan, that still draws less notice than it would in many other places. He has his sword at his belt, of course, but he's also carrying the books tucked under one arm. Otherwise, he's arranged to have his few things watched til he either came for them if he got a room around here, or picked them up on the way home.

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2014-01-18 06:05 am UTC (link)
The knock stops her singing and draws her back in from her garden. It was very unusual to have a knock at her door or visitors in general, but sometimes it happened and particularly in this time of year. She paused to smooth her hair and adjust herself so as not to insult her visitor by being unkempt before opening the door.

"May I help..." and her bright dark eyes fall on Hajime, the site of him stealing her words and the very breath from her lungs.

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2014-01-18 06:09 am UTC (link)
He bows just so, before holding out the books. Until he speaks, it might seem like he's returning or refusing them, but he quickly dispels that notion.

"I am very grateful for these. As always, perfect. But the gift is incomplete. Perhaps you would read one? If I may bother you that long?"

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2014-01-18 06:12 am UTC (link)
"You are never a bother."

She takes the books held out to her and then steps aside to welcome him into the house.

"I am sorry I have been sending you incomplete gifts. I had hoped that...someone would be reading them to you since I officially no longer exist."

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2014-01-18 06:18 am UTC (link)
"Like a fairy tale,
This fiction, better than truth.
These books? Yours to read."

He responds softly, before stepping in after her.

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2014-01-18 06:22 am UTC (link)
"You aren't upset with me, Hajime-sama? You would have every right to be. It was...not standard of me to send you books without not being honest with you."

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2014-01-18 06:29 am UTC (link)
"Disappointed that we have lost time, perhaps. Certainly I wish you would have told me. But upset? No. You were doing only what you thought best, after being made to disappear by those you were used to serving. I cannot fault that."

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2014-01-18 01:09 pm UTC (link)
She bows to him.

"You show me grace and honor that I do not deserve, Hajime-sama. Please allow me to repay this debt of kindness by serving you. Tea?"

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2014-01-18 05:30 pm UTC (link)
"You are the epitome of grace, always." he responds. "And nothing would do me more honor than having you serve. Tea would be lovely."

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2014-01-18 08:52 pm UTC (link)
Without the makeup the rose tones of blush are visible on her face as her tending to him, what outsiders had called 'fussing', begins.

"I had hoped that perhaps one of you would sort out where the gifts were coming from, though I also did not want to make the mystery a burden. I am most relieved that it is you who resolved things and not dear Grogg-chan. I fear he would have stomped into the forest to find the sender of his mysterious coffee and 'num num bars'."

She smiles.

"They made me disappear, but they could not erase me."

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2014-01-18 08:55 pm UTC (link)
He nods, glancing away so as not to draw attention to her blush. That would be impolite.

"And you may learn who you are outside of the government service. I had been hoping to determine who sent the books for some time, yes. You have been missed."

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2014-01-19 02:53 am UTC (link)
"The strange truth, Hajime-sama, is that all I know is my government service. I was still a maiko when I was recruited and had only graduated to a full geisha for a few weeks before they...altered me. For the first time in my life I am truly my own."

She looks at her kimono.

"How does one learn who they are?"

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2014-01-19 04:26 am UTC (link)
He glances at her, glances at her kimono.

The cliched answer, of course, would be that she has her own life, her own choices now. She can be anyone she wants. There's a lifetime of opportunities.

But that would be an incorrect answer.

He's from an age of arrangements and service. His life is not his own and never has been. He knows she understands - just as she understands exactly what she's asking, and who she's asking.

And so, instead of being reassuring, or trying to convince her of free will, freedom and other such virtues, he kneels down at the table, and gives the correct answer instead.


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2014-01-19 04:36 am UTC (link)
Isolation for years, while not having undone anything about her training, her resolve, her perfect attention to every detail, has made her more introspective and with that a bit softer and more able to feel. In the silence as she stares at her kimono and before Hajime speaks Kikuya traces a lifetime of always having someone to answer to, to report to, to--in the case of Hajime--to care for. There with him, now without the capacity and the order she is accustomed to the fear is able to creep in...

"Yours?" Her voice is barely a whisper and she lifts dark eyes that shine with tears, though not a single drop falls, nor will it.

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2014-01-19 04:43 am UTC (link)
He can hear the trepidation in her voice, and as such, does not at all do the American thing and look at her. Drawing attention to her vulnerable emotional state would embarass her, and thus him. That just wouldn't do.

"I entered your house, and you were perfectly dressed, and even after all this time, doing me the honor of being ready to serve. It is a part of my life I have missed. If the government is so foolish as to no longer wish your services, then I will think them all the more infected by western ignorance, but be grateful for their mistake. You no longer serve two - your country and the one you have done the greatest honor you could do. But you still serve."

Because of course she was perfectly composed and dressed and otherwise ready when he arrived. Anything else would be ridiculous. She is who she is, and little things like facts and house kimonos and reality do not interfere with the facts.

"Mine." he repeats.

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2014-01-19 05:09 am UTC (link)
Kikuya nods, eyes closed and then turns away from him before she opens them so as to conceal her emotional responses to what he said.

"You have traveled a great distance to find me. Please rest and permit me to restore you with tea. After, perhaps you would like me to read to you."

Already she is putting things in order, the routine steadying her hands and voice.

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2014-01-19 05:19 am UTC (link)
He seems to have settled in quite comfortably. After all, if she wishes to serve, it would dishonor her gift to not be perfectly ready and doing his part. She could be crying her eyes out - he wouldn't do her the dishonor of noticing. Likewise, in the world of Hajime-facts, she does not take extra time to compose herself or otherwise get ready. She's right on schedule, and perfectly steady, and was from the start.

"The government owes you a great debt, and no one would recognize you wearing a different kimono and face. They can arrange the necessary papers that you may return to your proper place with me. This home is lovely, but you belong with me. And nothing would please me more than to have you reading from your perfect gift."

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2014-01-19 05:29 am UTC (link)
"I do not think the appropriate papers would be an issue. I have long had identity documents that differed from my public identity as the Super Geisha. No one here has ever suspected that Iwasaki Kikuya was anything other than Iwasaki Kikuya. Hajime-sama, you will have to ask Amiko-sama's permission. She has been arranging your care, yes?"

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2014-01-19 05:39 am UTC (link)
"She has been making the necessary arrangements, and I have no doubt she will be happy to make these as well." he replies self-assuredly. "I will, of course, contact her to make certain we can resume our previous arrangements, if that is acceptable?"

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2014-01-19 05:45 am UTC (link)
"Hajime-sama, our previous arrangements were always more than simply acceptable."

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2014-01-19 05:56 am UTC (link)
"Then when we are done, I will contact her and see about arrangements. That can wait."

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2014-01-19 05:59 am UTC (link)
Something occurs to her and she pauses in her tea service.

"Hajime-sama, may I see your hands?"

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2014-01-19 06:01 am UTC (link)
A nod, and he offers up his hands.

Which, as usual when left to his own devices are, well, perfect for service. His fingertips are left as sensitive as ever, even if it requires filing calluses. Otherwise, they're considerably less than ideal for anything except precisely his manner of serving.

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2014-01-19 06:11 am UTC (link)
Her hands take his and she carefully inspects each finger, a frown settling on her brow and her lips.

"Has there been no one caring for you, Hajime-sama? Your hands have returned to the condition they were in the very first night I was honored by service to you."

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2014-01-19 06:13 am UTC (link)
He doesn't correct her. Sure, the relatively small amount of time since she's been gone of this treatment versus 700 years of it is significant. But they're definitely the worse for it.

"No one can care for me as you do. Once you have experienced perfection, nothing else will do."

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2014-01-19 06:22 am UTC (link)
"You did not even allow her to find a replacement for my work." It isn't a question.

"I will not fail in my duty to you again." She returns his hands to him and resumes her tea service.

"Once you have had tea, if you would like a bath before I read to you I will prepare one for you. You should be well-kept, Hajime-sama."

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2014-01-19 06:27 am UTC (link)
"You did not fail. You served the government before you served me, and they requested this of you. Getting out of sight. Now you have done so, as was proper, for a time. And that would be perfect, yes."

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2014-01-19 06:36 am UTC (link)
"Hajime-sama, my service to the government was always the honoring of a contract. I gave them my word once and I honored it but my service to you was never second. Serving you is always the foremost in my heart. "

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2014-01-19 06:42 am UTC (link)
He nods. "Yes, but you served them before I returned to this world. I would never fault you for any aspect of that service. Your service to me remains flawless. And now that you have honored your contract, it may resume."

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2014-01-19 03:02 pm UTC (link)
"I suspect that even if the government or Amiko-sama would refuse to allow this you would convince them," she smiles and then very softly kisses his forehead in an act not of service but of true affection. "Thank you."

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2014-01-19 03:08 pm UTC (link)
The kiss draws a small smile. "I would do my best. Some things are simply supposed to be."

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2014-01-19 03:37 pm UTC (link)
"And I am very glad that this is so, if you can forgive my selfishness at being glad of it."

She bows her head very gently before continuing to serve him, bringing him small cakes nearly the same hue as the sakura petals outside.

"It is still early in the day and you must certainly be hungry. I hope you are not disappointed that these are purchased as opposed to cakes I made myself. They are quite good, though, a little indulgence of mine from a bakery in the town."

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2014-01-19 03:42 pm UTC (link)
"Today, we may both be selfish." He so rarely is, but this is what a geisha is for, after all. To know a samurai's heart better than he does.

"I admit, I am hungry. I certainly do not expect you to cook as well, and these look wonderful. More indulgent than my usual breakfast, but for you, I am happy to change my routines."

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2014-01-19 03:49 pm UTC (link)
She laughs a little, quietly and with one hand to her lips.

"You would not believe this, perhaps, but in 1942, during the war and not terribly long after the start of my active service to our government I was assigned not as a geisha, but to be a simple 'housewife'. I discovered during that time that I enjoy cooking. Had I been expecting you there would be a feast waiting for you, Hajime-sama."

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2014-01-19 03:57 pm UTC (link)
"I did not know that." And it puts some very different thoughts in his head. He'll need to talk to Amiko. Oh yes.

"Then perhaps this evening, or tomorrow if time is needed to prepare, you would do me the honor of cooking, as well as serving?"

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2014-01-19 04:09 pm UTC (link)
"I will show you photographs later if you would like. I think you might find them amusing."

When he asks her to cook for him, along with the mention of tomorrow which threads in her mind to create a string of days forward from the moment, she feels nearly giddy inside. The smile at her lips widens.

"This evening would be a perfect time to prepare and serve your meal. I will need to make a trip to the market for a few things. Perhaps you would like to accompany me? There is a book shop you would enjoy along the way."

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2014-01-19 04:16 pm UTC (link)
"I would enjoy all of that, yes. I will look forward to the book shop and taking some suggestions on things you might read to me in the days to come. I am assured that I should not have any financial difficulties with typical items like books."

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2014-01-19 04:19 pm UTC (link)
"If Amiko-sama has been handling your affairs you should have no financial issues at all, though I am hoping you will permit me to procure your books for you. It is my responsibility to keep your literary needs met at the highest level." A pause, a thoughtful look on her face. "And the government owes you a bit of restitution for leaving you without appropriate service in my absence. Their payments to me are suited for this."

At least that's how she sees it.

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2014-01-19 04:22 pm UTC (link)
He considers this. After all, he should be paying for things - even if its technically someone else paying with his money. Books, however, are a grey area, and it wouldn't do to refuse. It just takes him a moment.

"Very well. But I will purchase the groceries for dinner. But yes, Amiko-sama has been looking after my financial affairs."

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2014-01-19 04:34 pm UTC (link)
"It gives me joy to acquire your books. Thank you, Hajime-sama. Then it is settled. After tea, you may contact Amiko-sama regarding where you are and other arrangements and then I will prepare us both for our trip into town." She smiles. "Kawazu is my family's home. This very house is where I am from."

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