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Get_Medieval ([info]get_medieval) wrote in [info]supergeisha,
Those things most definitely draw his notice. For a few moments, Hajime being Hajime, its the petals that have his attention. He takes one between his fingers, closing his eyes, drawing in the scent. Trying to place where this type of blossom may bloom. After all, at one time, different regions took a lot of pride in their particular blooms - colors, scents, everything.

A few still do, but its not the same. He's about to give up on that line of thought when he notices the paper. It takes a few moments for the relevance to strike... but yes, he's aware that phone numbers and addresses are meaningful now.

Eventually, he calls the book shop, thanking them for the lovely book, and asking after further information. He never lies - that would be improper. More, he just leaves information out and lets them assume that some detail was just left out or smudged in the sending. Regardless, he does his best to learn what he can of the sender of the perfect gift.

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