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Kikuya Iwasaki ([info]supergeisha) wrote,
@ 2012-01-26 21:52:00

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It felt like a long time since she was home, but even as she stood just outside the building that she once resided in Kikuya knew that she was not home.  Life had been taken from her not in the functions that made her alive but in the spirit that made her who she was.  In the past handful of days she had pieced together what the official story was: very simply the government had "killed" her.  The Super Geisha had perished in a terrible accident returning from a goodwill tour.  There had been mourning for her and a state holiday, then everyone moved on.  Japan had a new cultural hero now, though Kikuya hadn't bothered to find out who or what.  She hoped it was Grogg.  It would give her friends something to smile about as they grieved for her.

But Kikuya had not died.  The details of what had really befallen her were far different and complex.  All she knew was that she had her freedom now, though freedom meant no more geisha.  Uncomfortable as it was she found herself in street clothes in the hustle of the city.  There was only one place she really wanted to go and she turned from the corner across from her former residence and walked a few blocks down to a place that truly felt as though it were home.

She could only hope that Hajime would welcome her now that she was not something that he could have use for or could value.  If he did not...well.  Honor had other options.

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2012-02-08 12:04 pm UTC (link)
Kikuya finds her breath stolen from her when he asks and, for a moment, she wonders if she's heard him correctly. It wasn't that she hadn't heard a proposal of marriage before. She'd had several over the decades and usually from men who did not understand the role of geisha or what an insult it was to her. This, however, was no insult. Quite the opposite, this was an unbelievable honor and the ultimate form of respect.

Her samurai wanted to marry her. He wanted to make decent what was forbidden before. Stripped of her honor and laid bare as nothing, Hajime still wanted her. Tears filled her eyes as her emotions betrayed her and she nodded with a smile.

"I would be honored, Hajime." Pause. "We will need to speak with Amiko about this."

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2012-02-08 01:18 pm UTC (link)
He hadn't expected quite so much emotion, much as perhaps he should have. Seven hundred years among the enigmatic and unpredictable swordmasters had left him somewhat unused to human reaction at times. Still, he does not object or seem troubled by it, just surprised. He holds her close, meeting her gaze directly.

"Of course, she remains my lord. No marriage may take place without her agreement."

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2012-02-08 01:34 pm UTC (link)
She nods her agreement.

"Your bath is probably starting to get cold. I should warm it for you."

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2012-02-08 05:51 pm UTC (link)
"Indeed, I am very much looking forward to a proper bath." he agrees. And, of course, as his wife, she will be permitted and welcomed in service, so provided Amiko-sama has no disagreements, he hopes this will ease Kikiuya's transition as well.

He relaxes, letting her go and tend to the water.

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2012-02-15 12:21 pm UTC (link)
She smiles and goes about making sure that the water is warm enough and that everything is as it should be. Once things are again set she invites him to the water, carefully taking his garments from him and waiting until he is ready for her before she gets the soap and the brush.

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2012-02-23 05:06 am UTC (link)
There is a brief look of surprise - followed by a hint of a smile. Clear sign that he's been taking cold baths out of habit again. This is definitely better, just different. So many things change for the better when she's around.

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