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BEST HANDWRITING [17 Jan 2008|09:45pm]

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CUTEST BABY [17 Jan 2008|09:49pm]

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BEST LIPS [17 Jan 2008|09:51pm]

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CUTEST KITTEN [17 Jan 2008|09:56pm]

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HAZEL EYES [17 Jan 2008|09:59pm]

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FUNNY FACE [17 Jan 2008|10:00pm]

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CUTEST 'OTHER' PET [17 Jan 2008|10:01pm]

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BEST COMPLEXION [17 Jan 2008|10:03pm]

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CUTEST COUPLE [17 Jan 2008|10:12pm]

Zach and I have worked together for almost two years now but he never noticed me before until he was about to deploy last June. I guess it was the first time he'd seen me out of uniform. We flirted a little before he left but nothing happened. I always had a secret crush on him ever since I first got to the shop. The day he got back from his deployment, I was DD and took him and his friends out and that night he finally made a move. We started out just wanting to be friends with benefits which I didn't mind. But then the more we hung out the more we liked each other. One night he finally told me that he liked me. It wasn't for a couple of weeks that he finally asked me to be his girlfriend. We've been through a lot in these past 5 months than I've ever had in any other relationship. With my divorce being hard on me, but he stood by me and just never let go. And we almost broke up once when he wasn't happy so I did everything in my power to fight for him. I've never loved someone so much and felt like I can seriously trust him with my life. We're boring when it comes to doing stuff. But we don't even care. We could be sitting next to each other on our computers but still have fun just because we love being with each other. He knows all my secrets and there's only one other person who knows those secrets. He makes me grilled cheese at 2AM for all he cares. I know we've only been dating for a short amount of time but I honestly think that we'll last. We did things fast at the beginning, but I think we're on the right speed now in our relationship. We're going to take things slow and not rush into getting married or having a baby any time soon. :)

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BEST RED HAIR [17 Jan 2008|10:34pm]

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BEST FACE WITHOUT MAKEUP [17 Jan 2008|10:37pm]

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BEST COSTUME [17 Jan 2008|10:47pm]

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[ viewing | January 17th, 2008 ]
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