———B A S I C S———
NAME; Louis Finnegan Bonaccord NICKNAME; BIRTHDAY; March 17th, 1963 AGE; 22 HEIGHT; 5'10'' EYES; Blue, an intimidating blue HAIR; Dark brown BLOOD; Pureblood OCCUPATION; Intern Youth Ambassador at the Department of International Magical Cooperation HOME; London, England QUIRKS; Asks a lot of questions. A lot. He wants to know everything Slytherclaw! PHOBIAS; To be a failure. STYLE; PERSONALITY;
———I N S I G H T———
Louis is very inquisitive, finding himself in the middle of situations that he was often unsure of how he got in. He has friends that span all four Houses of Hogwarts because blood purity was never important to him and he did not fall under the pressure of his housemates who may have thought otherwise. It was the sense that he simply went to school in England that kept him from getting too involved with the politics, as his and his sister's main residence was in France. Though, Louis spent more time in his mother's home town with his Irish grandparents, allowing him get experience with different cultures early on. While Therese was primly French and that was it, Louis liked that he had these two, three sides of him (if you counted the magical side as another!).
He made friends with the local muggles, who were all mystified at his storytelling abilities and this continued throughout his time at Hogwarts. He'd disappear for the year and come back for the summer and would be out on the streets playing footy, cricket, whatever he could. His Slytherin roommates were not the most loquacious of people, so avoiding their post was not a difficult task at all.
very protective of his sister, even if he has not been of much help since he's so much younger/been in Hogwarts/away.
gets starstruck. has definitely bugged Therese for autographs but that never works.
went on his Grand Tour because he had no bloody idea what he wanted to do with his life. Louis always talked about playing quidditch and going pro, but when he wasn't approached by any teams in his seventh year, he found himself doubting his abilities. The Grand Tour has helped clear his mind, but now that he's home (well, now that his parents have kicked him off their couch), he needs to focus. He's become a bit worldly and calmer, though he is still prone to fits of excitement (especially when with friends)
——H O G W A R T S——
HOUSE; Slytherin, Class of 1981 - HEAD BOY WAND; cypress, 11'', pegasus wing-feather CLUBS; prefect, quidditch; chaser, dueling club
OWLs / NEWTs; Astronomy; O / O Charms; O / O DADA; E / E Herbology; O / O History of Magic; O / O Potions; O / O Transfiguration; O / O + + Ancient Runes; O / O + + Arthimancy; O / O + + Care of Magical Creatures; E / E |
——R E L A T I O N S——
PARENTS; Henri Bonaccord and Rory (nee MacDougal) SIBLINGS; Therese BonaccordOTHER; PETS;STATUS; he is slowly lunch-date courting Penelope Fawcett? PAST RELATIONSHIPS; (insert various world-wide girls?), Dianna Dobbs CHILDREN; BEST FRIEND; Adian RosenbergFRIENDS; Saoirse Mullet, Dianna Dobbs, Zach Sloper, Zoey Moran, Vivica Sloan ENEMIES; |
———R A N D O M———
BIRTHPLACE; Paris, France NATIONALITY; French & Irish FIRST SIGN OF MAGIC; Made all of Therese's dolls stand up and chase after her (perfect terror of a little brother!) BOGGART; PATRONUS; QUIDDITCH TEAM; Kenmare Kestrels LANGUAGES; English, French, Chinese, Japanese.... TALENTS; IDENTIFYING MARKS; He's got a few tattoos from his travels, and a scar above his eyebrow from some rather rough play with his sister when they were young. ASPIRATIONS; To write a book about his travels and stories, to become an ambassador, to go on another Grand Tour, to...
———H I S T O R Y———
1963— Born! Much to the chagrin of his older sister.
1974— Begins Hogwarts!
1980— August; finds out he's Head Boy! Huzzah!
1981— June; Graduates from Hogwarts!
1982— January; sets off on his Grand Tour around the world in a hot air balloon! Has his sights on playing quidditch in various countries, but finds himself more interested in exploring.
1984— January; Returns home from his Tour, and even though he is worldly and his head is full of fun new stuff his parents are like, soooo what are you going to do for the rest of your life? Meep. Decides to flee to England to be coddled by his sissy for a little bit while he figures out life.
1984— July; punches Michal Conway Lynch at the All-Star FanFest because he discovered the reason the quidditch player broke things off with his sister. Top ten moment of his life.
———O O C———