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Hannah Abbott ([info]sunshine) wrote,
@ 2008-01-30 23:31:00

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May 30
I don't know how to I think everyone has

I had a dream last night that my Mum was playing frisbee with Professor Dumbledore on a cloud. It was lovely, but then they started playing dodgeball and it all got a little scary. I am very much looking forward to the dodgeball game, of course, but I shall be content to watch from the sidelines! I'll be cheering for a Hufflepuff/Gryffindor victory, but good luck to everyone playing! I hope no-one cheats gets hurt. I might help in the medical station, just in case!

It feels like too much has happened this year. I really hope I'm doing enough work, exams seem closer every day.

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2008-01-31 08:08 am UTC (link)
Exams are closer every day. They're in 33 days. People should be reserving rooms for group study sessions, not pitches for dodgeball.

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2008-02-01 08:54 am UTC (link)
I don't suppose one game will affect people's revision too much, a lot of them do already play a lot of sports. But oh dear! They do seem a bit closer than I thought.

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