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Garrick ([info]summerby) wrote,
@ 2008-03-02 07:21:00

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November 22, 1997 - Hexed from Staff.
Alright, so one of my essays didn't do too good this week; I'm gonna give up some time out of class to make up some extra-credits, so if anyone needs any tutoring with Charms or anything (probably one of the only things you can be sure I'm good-good at, yeah?), just throw me a line. I'm not in that club they have going for it, but eh, to each their own, those things don't do it for me. But yeah, let me know, I ain't a biter. 

And onto that game -- fuck, wow, nice going, Ravenclaw. Nice going to my team, too, we did good for a team made up of so many girls. I don't mean that in a bad way, but we just don't have as much muscle as the others, if you get me. Congrats to Jones. I'd probably be celebrating with you all if I wasn't fucking dying in bed a little exhausted. You guys know scouts sit in in our games from time to time? I forget which of you plan or hope on taking up Quidditch professionally after school. I guess there's no better time to ask than the present, eh? I think that shit's pretty exciting, personally.

Ackerley, how you doing? I don't think I'm gonna watch my brother smashing his toys together the same way again. 

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2008-03-01 10:45 pm UTC (link)
He's probably right about that shit some of the time, I can't speak for every bloke, but if I was some chick and I was failing a class, I probably wouldn't be interested in getting picked up by my tutor. Don't really consider it in that way.

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