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User:sukey (18019)
auzure sunsets
the way is shut

ABOUT ME I usually keep to myself, sharing my thoughts with those who know me.

LIKES I enjoy creating icons, writing poetry, cooking, reading, and pixel art.

DISLIKES Large crowds, being in the spotlight, dishonest people, and balogna.

Icon Site

Profile Codes
Interests:44: angels, art, books, cats, chinese food, chocolate, coffee, cooking, creating icons, creativity, dean koontz, dogs, drawing, ghosts, harry potter, haunted houses, horror, horses, iced coffee, icon creation, icons, inside jokes, internet, it, jasmine, kasiyans, kittens, motherhood, novels, paint shop pro, pasta, poems, poetry, puppies, reading, starbucks, stephen king, stock icons, summer, sunglasses, sunsets, the breakfast club, the stand, urban legends
People16:amirah, butterfly_wings, dalamar, ilenna, inkoflemon, jukai, kasiyans, leanne, robyn, romei, sakuradragonfly, sandglass, shadowninja, sukey, suz, thisonething
Communities11:allpaths, dreamwalkers, group_mates, more_than_one, multiplicity, pretty_pixels, sensitive, silver_wings, teen_hub, the_sanctuary, writers_anon
Mutual Friends:15: amirah, butterfly_wings, ilenna, inkoflemon, jukai, kasiyans, leanne, robyn, romei, sakuradragonfly, sandglass, shadowninja, sukey, suz, thisonething
Account type:Early Free User

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