sitting at work. i smell like sex. i don't want to use a shift-key today. eject button, yeahhh. fersher.
fucking eat it.
can you be bulimic and be a lesbian or do you need to throw up after eating someone out? hahahahahaha. i'm so fucking funny it hurts. "i'm all that and a bag of dope". oh, i just made myself sad.
people won't find this and it's grand. smile big for the cameras kiddies. here's the whiskey-infused internal musings (mewings? hah) of your favorite local drug child.
i don't make sence. no sence. no cents? keep your coins, i want change. (lame-o, seriously.)
i can't wait to woobie on down and wobble out to the big BK tonight. Dancefloors with good basslines. Basslines with good dancefloors. Floors and lines? Oh yes. Tonight should be grand. GRAND. *shakes fist*
(the first time I typed that I accidentally typed 'fish' instead of 'fist') bawwwww.
skritch-scratch, needle drop, g-g-g-g-get fucked up. *cue song*
it's not as bad as it seems over the guise of the internet, neighbor. really it's not. inside jokes eh, wot?
i ♥ things, apparently.