Tue, Jun. 10th, 2008, 06:12 pm

Apparently e-mail you never read sounds like this...


fayalite disagrees

One of the kind biographies written from time eggs over a
dusty, unblacked stove in the other paid him the most grovelling
attentions and bright in his perplexity he took the simplest
and most for, driven to extremity as we were, we should
you found out some things yourself, didn't you? Butler,
i say. Enter butler. Butler. Here, here. Concubines, whether
temporary or permanent. The.


woodlander urochord

Seen together, like the sun and the moon in the innocent.
men are gregarious. Cattle in herds. Gold, belonging to
the lighthanded and highsouled choice. It was yielding to
the common rather than it will be through the influence
of its music. Railroad evenness. I am seized with a passion
dared to do me an injury, being, as thou art, had gone,
and the first act of the tragedy of.


I hate spam e-mails lol this shit is fucked up, but I really kind of like it. xD
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