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Sofia Strange ([info]strangemagics) wrote,
@ 2013-01-30 15:55:00

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Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: msalliepants@gmail.com
AIM (if you have one): msalliepants
Character Name: Sofia Strange
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]strangemagics
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'9", 132 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes
Age: 24
PB: Jaimie Alexander
Under training that she has received under both of her parents, Sofia is capable of the following mystical abilities:

Astral Projection: Sofia is able to astrally project herself while her true self lies dormant. Currently, she can only astrally project for up to twelve hours without straining herself. At maximum, she can astrally project for fourteen hours, but this is very taxing on her and takes a large portion of her strength.

Has learned countless spells and is capable of the following:


Telepathy: Can telepathically project her thoughts into the minds of others. She can also read surface thoughts, and other thoughts if the subject she is using her telepathy on is not a highly skilled telepath. Highly skilled telepaths can block her.

Telekinesis: Can move objects via telekinesis. However, she can not lift exceedingly heavy objects without injuring herself. She is also capable of telekinetic flight.

Mystic bolts of magical energy

Transmutation: Only small to medium sized objects. Large objects are heavily taxing on her.

Shields: Can conjur magical shields.

Invisibility: Can render herself invisible for brief periods of time.

Conjuration of nearby objects

Divine sources: Has learned how to use them, and has used the Vishanti, though has not used any of the others yet.

Has a vast understanding of occult knowledge.
Weaknesses and flaws: Despite her magical powers, Sofia is otherwise a normal human being, with standard human weaknesses. Casting too many spells for large periods of time also tires her, and wears her out.
Character location/Home: Sanctum Santorum, The Dark Dimension, mobile.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero.
Relatives (living/dead?): Stephen Strange (father, living), Clea (mother, living)
Backstory (Please include as much detail as possible about the world they came from): Sofia is the only daughter of Stephen Strange and Clea. At a young age, Sofia was sent from the Dark Dimension with her nanny Vesper, under instructions from her mother to keep her hidden from both her father and the dark forces that would try and ensnare the girl. Stephen did not know that he had a daughter until Sofia and Vesper wound up at the Sanctum Santorum when Sofia was thirteen, on the run from Doramamu's forces. Stephen took Sofia and Vesper in, and Clea, understanding that it was important for Sofia to get to know her father, agreed to let her stay in Stephen's care. When she was fifteen, Sofia began to discover her mystic abilities, and Stephen took her under his wing as his new apprentice. She has been studying with him ever since.
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