You're right.. Darkness and light are always present. You can view any situation through the positive aspects, or through the negative. Most of the time it's probably a little bit of both. Its really up to you how you work with the energies that surround you every day. Positive and negative are always around us. I was staring out my window when it was pouring thinking the same thing. But, on the plus side, the grass will stay green and the plants won't die. Yay for that :D
I've always thought of you as an independent strong headed woman, maybe what you could use is some personal space. Or a hobby that's yours. I know you like your freedom. And you're such a good artist you should do something with that. I bet you could make things and make money off it. You should illustrate a childrens book for caden :) that would be so cute.....
Keep your head up
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