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November 9th, 2008 12:30 am
ell-oh ell-oh ell-oh vee-ee [
[ mood | hurp durp ]

Re: current status of things:



Also lol:

ME: I like now growing up, I can look back at the [Aladdin] names and be like, Abis Mal. Abis Mal, Abyssmal. Get it? Abis Mal, Abyss mal, Abyssmal *intentionally awkward laughter* ha ha ha ha ha ha h--
SUZU: Shut the fuck up.

A gift for the ladies:

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November 8th, 2008 3:22 pm
stupid sexy dragons [
[ mood | i want sum potato chips ]

My quest for an alt vine and light split continues. As you can see, all my hope for a light turned out pretty damn pointless. >/ And Yllis doesn't seem to like Verdanda and didn't produce shit with Briar-ou. Well, fuck you too, Yllis.

At this point, I've pretty much given up on finding rares. I just don't have the energy to sit there and f5 for hours, only to see that I'm always a split second too late. The drops are also ridiculously hard to catch. And DC has been lagging like fuck lately, so my patience only gets thinner. Blaaah, whatever, I don't care. ;m;

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

You better be a light, split egg. >|

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November 7th, 2008 5:31 pm
lol wat [
[ mood | i need a shower ]

'Freedom of speech' lacking the 'freedom' bit.

/co/ is discussing gay politics. OH LAWD!

OMG, are people leaving LJ because of the profile design? I mean, if you were gonna leave, why didn't you do it in more "serious" times ala Warriors of Innocence or the Strikethrough shit? I guess shitty profile layout > being censored about what you write/like is more SRS BISNESS. Unless you're just tired of LJ's bullshit, but... lol you know wutev I don't get it.


Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Someone's been visiting /cm/ lately, hmm? LOL TransFriday is kinda sad today, with only its two threads. :[ Lots of Roddy, though.

Oh, man, I wish I could jump into this /co/ discussion and declare it now a gay superhero appreciation thread with some Midnighter and Apollo pics. But srs discussion is good and fine, too. - lol I couldn't resist, I did it. CAN YOU FIND ME YA'LL? Seems the discussion continues but who the fuck cares lol.


sengsenggiu @ plurk

Because I've been thinking about getting one, and just last night someone emailed me to get one and said basically "DO IT FAGGOT." And thus I did. Bonus if you can figure out where the name came from. (Here at Scribbld, it's obvious loool.)
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November 7th, 2008 12:16 am
You're a fucking wizard, Harry! [
[ mood | srsly curious ]

My dear flist, out of curiosity, I must impose this very serious question in search for some serious answers:

Based on what you've seen/know of me, and not just looking at the crack entirely, which Harry Potter House would I belong in?

Please, this is a very serious inquiry. It requires serious responses. I'm very serious. I have gotten Slytherin on a couple tests, rated once as Slytherclaw (awesomepasta), once as Gryffindor and a few times as Hufflepuff. And even twice or so I've gotten a Squib. Seriously, my dear friends, I am very confused and I require your serious insight.

But seriously what do you think lol.

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November 6th, 2008 6:52 pm
JaAm! [
[ mood | just ugh ]

i liek u copypasta


I don't like the new profile layout, but you don't see me commenting on this guy's humble entry and going, "SHIT SUX OMG OMG OMG FUCKIN' HATE U OMG OMG OMG MY LIFE IS PAIN BAWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!" Grow the fuck up. Stop acting like little children. If you don't like it, simply say so in a constructive, mature way. You're all entitled to your opinion, but if we reacted to things we don't like by pretty much saying "poopy head" at one another, then we wouldn't be a civilized society. Well, as close as are to it now.

God everyone who commented there with their shitty little whines and ten year old rants are fucking dipshits.

And I wanna laugh at those who are free/plus account users, because uh, hello, you ain't paying for the free space you're given to catalogue your life in anime episodes. So why don't you do all of us people a favor and go shut the fuck up.

Also, yeah, I'm sorry if I'm not taking this like "serious business." Being upset because you're paying for your journal, that sucks, but that does not warrant the need to show your provider you're worth it by shouting, "DO NOT WANT," in big bold text. I'm also sorry that I don't flip myself upside down over a blogging site. As you can plainly see right now, I'm using another blogging site. LE GASP THERE IS MORE THAN LJ.

... Now time to pimp my two pixel dragon adoptions for clicks.

Well, when the site is working again.

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!
These fuckers haven't grown their wings and it's pissing me off. >/


SUZU: why does it look like buttholeeeee :[
ME: because lj likes your dericious fgt tears

That's your answer why.


brb channelin' obama to fix this crisis u gaiz

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November 5th, 2008 7:20 pm
[ mood | still headachy ]

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November 5th, 2008 12:40 pm
[ mood | ugh sinuses ]


But congrats, Obama-tan, I do hope you live up to be a great president. I am sorry to all the McCain supporters on my flist; I hope that this new president will put ease into your minds and hearts. And that the insane Obama fangirls/boys lay off your asses.


UPDATE: Proposition 102 passed with 56% of the voters voting yes.

I'm really not surprised, actually. Considering Arizona is technically a Western/Southern? state. But it's actually nice to see that just about nearly half of the rest of the [voting] state voted 'no' for it! Too bad we couldn't knock off a %7, huh? ;)


In red because lol don't want it go get lost in the sea of bolded text.

Also, we said 'no' to Prop 105:

If passed Prop 105 would require that 80 percent of those actually voting on a ballot initiative would need to vote yes for it to pass. Prop 105 effectively kills the initiative process in Arizona by giving people who don’t vote a voice and that is just wrong. If Prop 105 was already in place, not a single initiative that was passed by voters since 1974 would have passed under Prop 105 wording.

I'm a little confused by this one, as counting non-voters votes kinda seems... uh contradicting? Obviously they're not voters if they, well, don't vote. But again, not good with politics. OH WAIT.

Prop 105 is a "if you don't vote, I'll vote NO for you" scheme that is a serious infringement of our voting rights.

Okay, yeah, now I get it. Yeah, that's a bit unfair. If they're not voting, they should be put as "undecided."

And the rest of our props, for those bored.

California passed Prop 2, and for that I am happy.

California voters passed Proposition 2 by a resounding margin (62% to 38% as of this time). As a result, 20 million animals in California will soon be spared the worst abuses of factory farms. And I'm confident that we'll look back at today as a pivotal moment in how our nation treats animals who are raised for food.

Yeah, it sucks they're raised for food (lol I'm an Omnivore, leave me alone), but they don't need to needlessly suffer. Now if only they can just die in their sleep lol morbid. But seriously, yeah, thanks you guys. My aunt argued that this prop could hinder farmers, but you know? I don't care. I'm mean like that. Sorry to all the farmer families out there, however.

I have such a headache. :/ My mom still isn't home from Cali and she isn't picking up her phone, nor is Sierra. Maybe because they're out in the middle of nowhere and can't get service. Liz and Phillis didn't pick up their phones, but I suspect it is because they're at lunch and they don't really check their cells often when at work. I managed to get a hold of my dad but pfft, like he was any help. I remember Mom saying, "Call your dad if you need anything--he'll help you out!" and I'm like, "yeah, sure, right." And I've asked him aboooout two favors so far and lol nothing. But I expected as much, I suppose.

I'd like to go to work, though. Not only because I'm actually ahead of scanning, but because they went to Starbucks today and said they'd get me a hot cocoa with marshmellows. I'd have to heat it up when I got to work, but they'll probably throw it out. ;m; Or put it in the freezer and turn it to shit. brb sobbing forever hot cocooooooaaaaaa.



Adopt one today!Adopt one today!
These fuckers haven't grown their wings and it's pissing me off. >/

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November 4th, 2008 2:38 pm
[ mood | headachy ]


Yeah, erection, I said it. No matter who you wish to vote for, if you are registered, go out there and give a vote!

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November 3rd, 2008 6:54 pm
H0rr0rz [
[ mood | yawwwwwwn ]

I am mentally preparing myself to watch The Thing lol. So I am eating dinner beforehand instead of watching it as I eat. It's old 80's (79?) special effects, so everything is obviously fake/not as realistic as now, but it's a risk I will not take haha. I was actually going to take a nap, get back up, watch it then go back to bed, lol. My God all this work around to watch a movie. I am terribly lazy like that. Well, it's due back tomorrow, so I wanna get it done now.

Tomorrow is voting daaaay. I will be going at lunch time. Hopefully the line is not hella long. I don't want to be standing outside for too long, not when I have work to do and it's so warm still. It'd be nice if Arizona had seasons.

Closing entry, just the draggies. I think my cousin's blue only needs a couple more clicks and will mature tonight. I've noticed the pattern (oh god sad.) So, yeah, clickies would be helpful. I want rares, man. ;m;

Adopt one today!Adopt one today! <-- hoping for light Adopt one today!

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November 1st, 2008 4:48 pm
[ mood | need shower lol ]

I just finished watching Feast 2. Oh, man, it's just like the first one--only ten times more disgusting. Which is good, actually, as I liked the original for all its over-the-top gore. And boy did it deliver the gore very well. There's one scene in particular that was quite vile, and would make people with a really uneasy stomach wanna vomit and maybe turn off the movie. Wiki wrote it up here:

As the brothers fashion the key in their workshop across the way, Greg begins evaluating a dead creature by disecting it and testing its organs. After accidentally dousing Grandma with scores of a green spewing liquid he ends up inadvertently setting off a spout of foul smelling flatulence, dousing Secrets in its excrement, and showering the women with its semen before they convince him to stop.

I guess it was semen? It looked more like urine to me. Either way, BUKKAKE AND PUKE ALL AROUND! AND FLOPPING SPEWING MONSTER DICK! Among other violent and gross-out deaths, there's also the rape of a cat by monster and one of my favorites, as wiki wrote it:

While making the machine, however they hear a baby crying. The family that Slasher had sold the station wagon to had been attacked and the parents killed. Greg volunteers to save the baby, and during which is attacked by the creatures. He runs but finds he cannot outrun them and throws the baby into the air, letting it fall to the ground where it is promptly eaten. He returns to the roof to the sneers of 'Baby killer' from Thunder.

The scene was quite hilarious, as it was set up so heroic and hopeful, and then he just throws the baby in the air and for like half a minute, we just watch the sobbing baby as he floats whimsically in the air to morbidly happy music before crash landing onto the pavement, twitching/moaning then getting eaten. Oh, Feast series, I do love your insanity.

But I do recommend people who love:
a) black comedy horrors
b) horror movies in general
c) monster horror movies
d) gore
e) boobs
f) b-movies
g) all of the above
to give it a watch. You can find the movies at places like Blockbuster or even Netflix. Add them to your movies-to-watch list and/or queues right now, bitches.

The monsters reminded me of Skinwalkers, but this movie really just blew that out of the water or something and now they're just... weird thingies. No background explanations, alas, so you'll never know how they came to be or where they came from, which is something I always like to know.

Though the ending was a giant fucking cliffhanger. I went to wiki to see if they were gonna make a third movie and well:

In an interview with Marcus Dunstan, the writer of the original film, it was confirmed that Feast 3: The Happy Finish is currently in the works. John Gulager will return to direct the film. Dunstan also stated that the film could possibly be rated NC-17.

I am so happy there'll be a third one, and I wish to believe the Happy Finish part is not morbid lol. This is rare: me looking forward to more sequels! This series and Ju-On are the top ones. All other sequels can kiss my ass.

Baaah, that's about it. HOW ABOUT I SPAM YOU WITH DRAGONS NOW?

Adopt one today!Adopt one today! <-- hoping for light

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Once again opened DC when they were dropping zombie eggs. Missed all three. Was around for another egg drop, but was too slow to get a paper and dino. All the other dropped eggs were the generic brands. I really hope they come out with new species soon. My nerd rage cannot handle this much nerdy angst.

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October 30th, 2008 7:18 pm
Meme time. [
[ mood | sigh ]
[ music | Say It Right - Nelly Furtado ]

Stole this from [info]ada out of sheer fucking boredom.

♦ Stop what you're doing.
♦ Print screen your current desktop.
♦ If you have Photoshop (or whatever image editor you use) open, print screen.
♦ If you have a music player open, print screen.
♦ Pick a folder, open it, print screen.

wutwutwut )


I bought a giant Iron Man cut-out stand thinger. ffffffffff fucking a curry-tan. He is guarding my window/door from Kayako constantly playing with the goddamn blinds. Also, rented Feast 2 and The Thing, aw yeah party!

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October 29th, 2008 8:27 pm
And stuff was updated with. [
[ mood | zzzzz ]

Look at my awesome fucking alt black. Goddamn he is awesome.

Though these guys need some crickus, too--and another alt black! )

And I know violence shouldn't always be the best way to respond, but sometimes you just gotta go "oh fuck it" and enjoy the pwnage:

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October 28th, 2008 11:00 pm
[ mood | omg! ]

Re: House M.D. 5x07:




Also, on a related "OH MY JESUS CHRIST" moment:



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October 28th, 2008 5:24 pm
[ mood | why is there no 'rushed' mood? ]



wait for it...

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October 27th, 2008 8:50 pm
[ mood | no party trays ]


until the 1986 movie where he is killed off thoughtlessly by the writers a Decepticon ambush where his remains are kept on a floating mausoleum that will be shipped into a sun by zombie, mind controlled Prime.

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October 27th, 2008 3:15 pm
I pee too much. [
[ mood | sinuses being bitches ]

Seven Deadly Sins Fandom Meme! )

My coworker seems to adore my $1 store sour candy worms.

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October 26th, 2008 4:28 pm
Same old rock and roll; c'mon let's go [
[ mood | yay waifu's on! ]

/o/ Adopt one today!Adopt one today! \o\

LOOK AT THAT ALT BLACK, BITCHES, LOOK AT IT. FUCK YEAAAAHHHHHH. Now if only I could get the blue magi, pink magi, gold dragon and paper dragon... Oh, wait, I did get a paper dragon. While on my cousins' account. So I abandoned it so I could pick it up ala trade. And I never got it.

brb crying forever

Speaking of which, if ya'll could click the cousins' eggies, that'd be totally coo':

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

I went to a haunted house last night; my very first one! It was fun but... uncomfortable lol. Oh agoraphobia.

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October 24th, 2008 10:51 pm
Bitches don't know 'bout my love for underappreciated animated films [
[ mood | meh ]

Do you guys remember this movie?

Remember how awesome it was?

Yeaaaahhh. I really liked the movie, personally. The plot appealed to me because I had wanted to write a similar story featuring the body's functions, organs, cells, etc. as a type of society. It's a shame this movie wasn't that well received. I really think the plot was original. The only real issue I had with the film was the ending battle, where they fight outside Frank's body and Jones is just--capable of hopping right back in. I--Is that possible? I guess our white blood cells are pretty l33t. Oh, well, I still love you, Osmosis Jones. And I ship Thrax/Jones because angry/enemy sex is always fun... But it just turns into snuff in the end ffff.

Well maybe not... But yet, yes, technically, considering Thrax would infect Jones when he, ahem, "merged substances" with him. And being a deadly case of scarlet fever, that'd... kill the white blood cell. Though the WBC is our soldiers, you could say, Thrax is a prettyyyyy strong virus... Eh. I saw (and admittedly saved) mpreg between these two--and before you get your knickers in a bunch over mpreg in this series, keep in mind they're cells, not humans and are capable of dividing/splitting; also I heard there's canon mpreg in the series lol--and it was quite interesting... Though I don't know how exactly Jones could carry a deadly virus baby. Hmm. And could a scarlet fever virus live in someone and stay dormant? LOL. Who cares this movie is awesome.

I remember making a fan character (for lulz), a female who represented the Epstein Barr virus. She was lazy, slept most of the time, but she usually ran around and acted hyper whenever her host was weak. I think her name was Bar... I like Eppy lol. I should find that doodle on disc and post it...

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October 24th, 2008 7:32 pm
I hate this lyric so much. [
[ mood | can't sit stillll ]

Shawty wanna thug, thug, thug (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Bottles in the club, club, club (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Shawty wanna hump (yeah)
Shawty wanna hump
Wanna hump


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October 23rd, 2008 12:22 am
Z for Zero and 300 Geasses [
[ mood | awesome ]
[ music | Z FOR ZERROOOOO ]

/o/ Adopt one today!Adopt one today! \o\

Okay, so, I'm not really interested in seeing V for Vendetta. Never truly was, though I did want to see it. But I'm not going out of my way to do so. But this video? THIS VIDEO THIS VIDEO THIS VIDEO makes me want to see it. DAMN.

And someone did an awesome 300 version, too:

These trailers make Code Geass 10x more epic than it is lol. ;;;;

There's also a cool Gurren Lagann 300 trailer--and I've only seen one episode of TTGL loool:

I miss you Ruru. ;m;

On the same note, but a different series, there is the Death Note: Dark Knight parodies, which are fucking superb:


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