Current mood: | meh~ |
Random crap.
So the DSL on my computer went ka-boot about four days ago. I figured it was just the area getting worked on, then Qwest was down and finally after some nice fun happy time on the phone with a tech, I was originally going to have someone come over tomorrow morning to see what was up. I've been using my mom's laptop in the mean time. I came back from her house not too long ago and discovered, MY DSL IS BACK YAY! So the guy won't need to come over tomorrow. Wooo~
BotCon has released new info. I'm gonna register as soon as it's available. My dad continues to be cryptic, but he does that to be annoying and so once I get up registered, it's a done deal, no matter how much of a prick he can be. I'm getting the Primus package, which is the best and also the most expensive at $360. BUUUUT IT'S WORTH IT. The Mini-Con package ($90) comes with it for my dad. I want to have at least $230 on me just for buying shit, though I hope I don't buy $230 worth of shit. ;;;
Watched Mirrors (nice and gory) and Balls of Fury (delicious Walken and it was pretty good.) Also, I rented Event Horizon; I haven't seen that in 349589345 years so it was good to see it again. See it if you like science fiction/horror, most definitely.
Jasper got some of his shots, too. I think he has to get one more next month and he's good for a year.
Scribbld appears to be blooming with drama. I'm not involved at all, but it's not like I don't see it. Mutual friends and the fact I have
deadletters on my flist. Woo! So, those feeling down or angry: feel better and lots of huggus.
Anyway, have some dragons! I got a new dragon at DA after hitting level 30. YAY!

Male vibes for the stone, plz.

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