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スタースクリーム ([info]starscream) wrote,
@ 2008-07-18 03:58:00

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Current mood: I CAME

Just came back from the midnight Batman: TDK showing.

Since it is nearly 4 in the morning, I am not intelligible enough to convey my feelings in proper, more sophisticated words, so until then:

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2008-07-19 12:09 am UTC (link)

Well, y'know, I like the comic books, too. I've scrounged the pits of the A(L)OL world to download Joker-centric comics, such as The Killing Joke, The Man Who Laughs, Greatest Joker Stories of All Time, The Long Halloween, The Dark Knight, etc. etc. But I think the movie did good.

Granted, the Joker is a lot more tame in terms of not bouncing off the walls, but I like that. I like psycho!Joker and I like sociopath!Joker. The former being in the comic books and the latter in the movie. Nolan was trying to attempt a more realistic point of view, and I think he pulled that off well. As much as I like the zany idea of the Joker becoming what he is from falling into a vat of chemicals, there's something unsettling about not knowing the basic nature of the Joker.

I think they kept the rest of his attitude spot on besides his tendency to go bonkers. I mean, yes, HL!Joker was bonkers and zany, but not like, over the goddamn top. He was still a pathological liar. He was still identified as a man who kills because he just likes doing it; there's no real understanding behind why he does what he does. He's cold, he's ruthless and best of all? He lets us know he wants Batman around for the lulz.

I remember seeing an archived thread on /co/ regarding intense hatred for the Batman Confidential's choice of Joker origins. There are similiarties between it and the movie, i.e. Joker got bored of doing mob robberies and became thrilled and happy again when Batman came into his life, as well as even down to the "non-mouth scars" bit, which is spoiler-esque.

However, his mouth scars in BC were caused by Batman, lol. I'm not sure if this had any influence on the movie, as I read BC was fairly new (I read it three months ago), but if it was, fans who hated it might be connecting it by default. What I do know is The Long Halloween is one of the main inspirations for the film, mostly because it involves Two-Face's origins and the mob problems which serve as a sub-theme in the movie.

But yeah, tl;dr, I think HL pulled off a very good Joker. A more menacing, less "WAHOO WAHOO WAHOOO CRA-RAZY!" Joker, but nonetheless a great one.

As for Christian Bale being Batman? I don't mind, but I hate how he deepened his voice in Bat-mode. Sounded silly lol.

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2008-07-19 12:12 am UTC (link)
Also, if I had to give the worst Joker origin ever? It goes to the comic where my icon is from. I love the picture, but hate the story, as it kinda dumbs down the Joker in terms that it's kinda universal he's a genius chemist, but he has his pretty-boy cousin do all that work. Meeehhhh.

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