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スタースクリーム ([info]starscream) wrote,
@ 2008-11-07 00:16:00

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Current mood: srsly curious

You're a fucking wizard, Harry!
My dear flist, out of curiosity, I must impose this very serious question in search for some serious answers:

Based on what you've seen/know of me, and not just looking at the crack entirely, which Harry Potter House would I belong in?

Please, this is a very serious inquiry. It requires serious responses. I'm very serious. I have gotten Slytherin on a couple tests, rated once as Slytherclaw (awesomepasta), once as Gryffindor and a few times as Hufflepuff. And even twice or so I've gotten a Squib. Seriously, my dear friends, I am very confused and I require your serious insight.

But seriously what do you think lol.

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