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fffnnaaahhh [23 Nov 2008|03:54pm]
[ mood | my feet HURT ]

Everyone Gets One -TF- by ~MadArchdemonNeko on deviantART

what is this

this is garbage


I don't think I'll be doing anymore TF fanfic soon. Except finishing off a couple I do need to finish that I've started. It's a matter of insecurity but more so, I should focus on my novel.

But regardless, I-eeeee wrote this a couple days ago:

Put your entire music collection on shuffle, hit play, and write. Write for as long as each song plays and move on to a different writing when the song switches (even if it's mid-sentence). Go for ten songs (or five). If nothing comes, it still counts. If you're listening to a comedian, you can skip it.

All of them are TF, though most are 2007 movie based. Warnings for slash in a couple of them, though most are gen or just hinty.

Let me take you to the stories. Make you feel a bit more... comfortable...

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[ viewing | November 23rd, 2008 ]
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