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stupid sexy dragons [08 Nov 2008|03:22pm]
[ mood | i want sum potato chips ]

My quest for an alt vine and light split continues. As you can see, all my hope for a light turned out pretty damn pointless. >/ And Yllis doesn't seem to like Verdanda and didn't produce shit with Briar-ou. Well, fuck you too, Yllis.

At this point, I've pretty much given up on finding rares. I just don't have the energy to sit there and f5 for hours, only to see that I'm always a split second too late. The drops are also ridiculously hard to catch. And DC has been lagging like fuck lately, so my patience only gets thinner. Blaaah, whatever, I don't care. ;m;

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

You better be a light, split egg. >|

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[ viewing | November 8th, 2008 ]
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