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DRAGONS LOOOOOOOOL [23 Sep 2008|08:45am]
[ mood | hu hua~ ]

take pity and click on mah bebe ;m;just one click a day can make a difference ;w;all i want is your extra time and your smooch-smooch-smooch kiss

Kay, periodfaces, I need some crickus from you guys. My last two dragons died. DIIIIIIIIIIED! ;-; So any help would be much appreciated.

jesus christ this shit is so fucking nerdy.

P.S. Give me links to your scrolls so I can click 'em up for you in return.

While we're at it, have a quiz:

Just like the ocean, those with indigo hearts are constantly in turmoil, changing like quicksilver from happiness to fury. Love comes slowly to those with indigo hearts, but it is always true. They are passionate lovers, and are extremely faithful once they find someone who can survive their emotional chaos. Although they don't work well in groups, they can adapt easily. At worst, they can become violent and vengeful, furious towards those who cause them injury.

oh jesus christ that is fucking accurate.

Working on novel ah fffffffffffff. I'm just barely finishing the prologue. I still have a handful of it left to write, but not too much, before I work on the actual first chapter. Keep in mind, this is in a series of novels, so in no way is the story even close to happening quite yet--at least, where it starts to take a serious roll. But I bring this up because despite being near the end of the goddamn prologue, I've written all ready 65,857 words. And from one website source, 60,000 is around 240 pages. SO UH... YEAAAAAH.

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[ viewing | September 23rd, 2008 ]
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