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spookygal ([info]spookygal) wrote,
@ 2010-11-04 23:01:00

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Hello all Metropolis Magic Users (Test post)
There was a fun if little known fact about the world. Most major cities had some kind of magical community. It happened mostly because the world was so heavily populated. Most people in these big cities would never notice the magic at all. Some did though.

In Metropolis there was a few shops that catered to the community. The community itself wasn't very big. But they were fairly close to some degree. Today was their day for having an out door market. Which is why this one woman stood out. Stark white hair and bone white skin with pale pink eyes. She was an albino. They were rare and one that knew what kind of magic this was?

Even rarer. But she did look content to brows around and take a good look at everything. For her that meant taking more than one look.

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