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spookygal ([info]spookygal) wrote,
@ 2010-11-04 22:58:00

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Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Beth

Email: emadonna04@alumni.unity.edu

AIM (if you have one): chappaiguardian

Character Name: Lily King

Character LJ (if applicable):
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<lj-user=”spookygal”>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Beth

Email: emadonna04@alumni.unity.edu

AIM (if you have one): chappaiguardian

Character Name: Lily King

Character LJ (if applicable): <lj-user=”spookygal”>

Physical description (face, build, weight): A skinny Asian woman who just happens to be an albino. She enjoys wearing pretty things with lots of color to them.

Age: 22

Birthday: November 1

Codename (if using one): Weird One

PB: (If using one.) Connie Chiu

Abilities: A chaos mage with strong ties to both Eldritch beings from beyond the stars and some lower level demons. Her magic will always feel off to other magic users. She can read most human languages, a few demonic ones with some difficulty, and has a greater understanding of astrology. She also has the kind of luck where she is in the 'right place' at the wrong time meaning she has a knack for just knowing when something bad is going to happen and has a good sense of where it will be.

Weaknesses and flaws: She is almost blind and must take her time when doing anything. She is extremely sensitive to light. And Lily also is under constant threat of going crazy due to her Eldritch-blood line and with the Demonic-blood line she finds herself suspetable to seduction weather it is by power or sex and must fight to remain in control.

Marked by demons: Full blooded demons recognize that Lily gets her magic from them. This means some demons can shut off spells that are fueled by her demonic bloodline.

Character location/Home: Innsmouth, Mass

Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero

Team: Shadowpact

Relatives (living/dead?): Johnny King (Father/Dead) Samara King (Mother/Dead) James King (Brother/Living)

Backstory: Lily is the oldest daughter of two demon and other worldly being worshiping occultists in a town where that was perfectly normal. Some guessed Lily being like she is was because Johnny's parents were members of the Order of Dagon. Her Mother's family had always been very set on worshiping a demon who grated their family abilities in exchange for human sacrifices and it is also possible that she has been marked by a demon by way of her albinism.

Lily was the big outsider though when it came to her family and the town. She knew better than to actively disagree with any of them. She didn't have the power to fight back and she was certain she loved her parents even if they were evil and probably heading right for hell one day. She made plans to go to Boston when she was sure she could make it on her own so she could perhaps try going to college. She wasn't yet comfortable with the idea of just leaving, she loved her family too much.

Around a year ago when someone started trying to bring Cthulu up her parents died along with some other cultists. Lily wasn't entirely sure on the details,. Just that her brother James had gone totally mad and she was his only care giver. So she was forced to give up on any ideas of going away and not coming back. Right now she manages the general store and is trying to find a way to keep the town from destroying itself. She can sense something is coming and is afraid of what that means for her and her brother. She thinks she's lucky all her brother does is draw pictures and mumble nonsense about the stars and the things he is afraid of in the dark.

At least she can protect her brother from whatever it is he is afraid of.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Lily decides to look for magical help since her brother is getting worse. She also knows something is up in Innsmouth and it's over her head.

What are you planning to do with this character? She is going to be the unintentionally spooky gal of the Shadowpact. I also want her to deal with looking after her younger brother who is strongly effected by their heritage. And for her to deal with the fears of going crazy or evil because of where she comes from.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: I want her to make friends and get actual enjoyment out of fighting larger than life beings. Also for her to try and fight against the evil that is in her blood-line.

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