06 Jan 2008|08:52pm
003. 09/26/97
Weekend's here finally. Been a bloody long week. Is it just me or are the professors acting like tyrants lately? Um, hello, we've got other subjects to worry about! Not that I worry about them in the first place... been a bit distracted as of late probably because I've snogged 2 different girls in a span of 3 days!.

Went for a fly yesterday in the rain. Brilliant as always. But I've been sodding exhausted all day now because after a gruelling quidditch practise I ended up staying out there to fly and snog with Bianca when really, I should have been napping. Was worth it though, I reckon. Plus, now, I've got all weekend to recouperate.

Private to Self )

Private to Bianca )
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02 Jan 2008|07:33pm
002. 09/24/97
I've had a bloody headache all day. Been pounding like a madman since last night. I could barely stay awake in classes today (not that I don't have trouble staying awake usually... is it just me or have all the professors gotten like extra boring this year?). I smacked my head on a shelf last night while I was... well, while I was doing something. Think it might've been worth it, though. The thing I was doing while I smacked my head.

Whoever is complaining about the rain should bloody well stop! It's brilliant. Went running in it the other day and, if its still raining tomorrow morning, am gonna go for a fly before classes. Flying in the rain is wicked. You should all go try it.

Finished half my homework. Think I'll finish before breakfast tomorrow. Or after. Depending on how hungry I am.

Private to Harry/Dormmates )
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29 Dec 2007|09:08pm
001. 09/22/97
What do you do when a second year has a crush on you and follows you around every bloody place you go? Merlin! This girl has been every place I've gone all day long. She thinks she's being sneaky, hiding around corners and under tables, but I see her.

She just came up to me a few minutes ago, put a cupcake in my hand and ran off. Know what it said? "I <3 You". What the hell am I supposed to do with that? Well, besides eat it, of course.

I know I'm irresistable, but really, a second year? Merlin, help me.

In other news, I've finally finished my Transfiguration homework. Bloody stuff took me hours. But thanks to Hermione I started it. And now, I think, it's the perfect time for a chocolate frog. Cupcakes and chocolate go well together, don't you think? At least this cupcake didn't contain a love potion like the last sweet I ate from an admirer.
Mood: cranky
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27 Dec 2007|09:53pm
Application for Ron Weasley

Made for [info]riddikulus

Profile inside )
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