009. 10/20/97
Okay, so, minor dilemna here. I just got a package from Fred and George through owl post. How is this a dilemna, you ask? Three reasons. One: Fred and George never send me packages. Ever. Two: When they do send me packages, they're full of jokes and/or pranks and/or are hexed. Three: Last time I gave them the benefit of the doubt I spent three days speaking with a lisp. Yeah, exactly. They're bloody evil. So, I'm not exactly sure what to do here... it's dangerous opening things from the twins! I am noy going back to that ruddy hospital wing. Maybe I'll have Hermione check it! She'd probably give them the benefit of the doubt though and doesn't really know how they operate.
Should I just open it myself? I could be risking injury. The first time I opened one of their letters on my own I wound up with boils all over my hands with the explanation that they were looking for a test subject for their latest product and thought I'd be willing. Willing my arse. Bloody twins.
Alright, Gin? I'm coming to find you. I think between the two of us we can figure out if this sodding package is dangerous or not. Have your wand ready, yeah? Could explode on us.
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