Sunday, January 6, 2008 (8:52 PM)
003. 09/26/97
Weekend's here finally. Been a bloody long week. Is it just me or are the professors acting like tyrants lately? Um, hello, we've got other subjects to worry about! Not that I worry about them in the first place... been a bit distracted as of late probably because I've snogged 2 different girls in a span of 3 days!.

Went for a fly yesterday in the rain. Brilliant as always. But I've been sodding exhausted all day now because after a gruelling quidditch practise I ended up staying out there to fly and snog with Bianca when really, I should have been napping. Was worth it though, I reckon. Plus, now, I've got all weekend to recouperate.

Private to Self )

Private to Bianca )
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