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Ronald Weasley ([info]spidersbegone) wrote,
@ 2008-01-08 19:43:00

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004. 09/27/97
Bloody fucking hell! In case anyone wonders why I haven't been around all morning it's because I've been in the sodding hospital wing. Pomfrey is getting on my last nerve... no, scratch that, she's already broken my last nerve. Stupid sodding wind knocking me off my sodding broom.

Yeah, so, basically I broke my right wrist. Shattered it, actually. Brilliant. Can't write or anything... even right now I've been dictating to this quill I charmed to write for me. Gets a little irritating having to say what I want to write and don't think it'd work too well in class with all the extra noise around.

Went for a fly this morning before breakfast to clear my head and huge gust of wind comes out of practically nowhere and knocks me right off my broom. Fell right to the ground and landed on my wrist... bent it back it this really horrid angle too. Pretty gross.

Anyway, it's shattered and I've got to stay in the blasted hospital wing all day taking potions every half hour to help mend it and Pomfrey won't even let me leave for meals or anything because she "doesn't want to risk me using my hand". That lady needs a hobby... one that doesn't involve pestering me! Bloody woman's a nightmare.

I'll have to take potions for the next 4-5 days until it heals and I won't be able to take my own notes in class.

Hermione... would you help me out? Take some notes for me? Please?

Guess we'll have to meet up tomorrow, yeah? Or next week? Can't leave the hospital wing today. Dunno when my wrist'll be better but we can still do something once I get out of here.

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2008-01-09 05:00 am UTC (link)
Crazy but yeah.

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