Minato Namikaze Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Minato Namikaze" journal:
March 16th, 2010
01:39 am


[003] Whoops.
...I'm supposed to be updating this, aren't I? Oops. I suppose it's just that outside of personal things I don't have much going on. There's one thing I've been really happy about lately, but...I don't know if the other party involved would wish for me to broadcast it.

Finally got my apartment situated just how I want it. It's starting to feel like home now. :) ...Though I'm almost certain I forgot to set one of the clocks forward. It's going to come back to haunt me by making me late at some point, I know it.

Let's see... Oh, Shutter Island is an excellent movie. Remember Me is as well, but that one...it is incredibly sad. I recommend it, but only if you like movies that make you cry.

Oh! And one more thing: you owe me lunch, Red. :D

Current Location: Home
Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: Fergie - Clumsy
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