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Minato Namikaze ([info]speedy_recovery) wrote,
@ 2020-01-25 03:54:00

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Entry tags:ooc, phone

[OOC] Phone Post!

Capable of everything. He loves to talk. No really. But he finds texting to be amusing, so he's good with those too. Every form of communication is welcome. :P

Generic Ringtone - ???

Contact List:

Cici - 3 Doors Down - Story of a Girl
Corie - Britt Nicole - Sunshine Girl
Feel Good Main Line - RvB BowChikaWowWow
Uchiha-san(Work Line) - (different ringtone, but still a generic one for now)
Madara - (generic ringtone for now)
Shino - (generic ringtone for now)

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Re: [CALL]
2010-04-05 02:46 pm UTC (link)
[is on lunch break, thankfully able to keep food down today, and happily trying to make up for yesterday.]

[slides phone out of pocket and checks ID. ...oh shit.] ...Hello, Madara. [sounds very meek. glances around quickly to make sure his lunch hiding spot is still deserted 'cause...there is likely going to be talking. oh boy.]

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Re: [CALL]
2010-04-05 02:53 pm UTC (link)
I'm just wondering if you had a good time with him. Toying with him and giving him drinks... it sure looks like you had fun, that nice bruise left behind and all. We'll find out just how much fun you had when the rape kit comes back, won't we? Why did you do it? He's... he's a virgin, damn it. He never drinks and he's not your one-night-stand, and he's not a fucking chew toy. You took advantage of him, I don't care what happened, the proof is on him.

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Re: [CALL]
2010-04-05 03:33 pm UTC (link)
[sflskjklsjl, WHAT?!?!] Whoawhoawhoa, WHAT?! Nooo, nonono. That's not-! [calm, organize thoughts, then speak.]

I did not rape him. I did not have sex with him at all. We were both drunk, and I was the one who said no when he asked, Madara. He deserves more than a drunken...anything, and I was pretty sure he was a virgin and that should be even more special.

I did not give him drinks. He practically dove at the table. I did not stop him because he is an grown man and if he wants to drink at a party then it is not my place to stop him unless there is a serious problem.

[decides to just spill all.] We drank, and then I was showing him how to dance. He propositioned me, which I was pretty sure was the alcohol talking so I said no. When he asked if I was sure I didn't want to, I attempted to explain that it wasn't so much lack of want as not being...a good choice at the moment. [sighs.] We were kissing, though, and he somehow tripped and knocked me off balance with him onto this...table.

He spilled a drink down his throat and...using my mouth to clean it up seemed like a perfectly good idea right then. [cough.] He tried to suggest changing location to, uh, make me say yes, and I think he did something with his hips and I-...bit down. [is blushing. needs to be calm, and not agitated, so deep breath.]

Right as I realized I needed to back away right then or...or I would...give in...he decided we should leave and started dragging me, and I wasn't quite coherent enough to protest it. Thankfully we ran into Tobirama, and then Izuna brought over Sasuke.

It gets cloudier after that point, but I left him in Sasuke's care and took a cab home by myself. If anyone touched him after that... [last line there sounds almost murderous, yes. because he would.]

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Re: [CALL]
2010-04-05 03:40 pm UTC (link)
Don't act like you've earned the right to be protective of him! And stop blaming things on him, what kind of man are you? "He did this to me, he did that, I tried to say no, but I was too busy thinking with my dick to sit him down and try to calmly settle things." [mocking tone.] I don't care if you were drunk, high, or just fucked up on life, you crossed a line! Don't blame this on him, and don't blame it on alcohol. The bottom line, the true bottom line here, is if you thought with your head and not your dick, none of this would have happened. You were more preoccupied with getting a little kissing time from him than actually caring about how he was feeling inside. He never drinks, and if you know anything about him, you should know that much! The only time he drinks is when he's upset. You're a typical man.

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Re: [CALL]
2010-04-05 05:06 pm UTC (link)
Maybe I haven't known him very long, but that doesn't mean I can't feel the need to protect him! And no one deserves to be taken advantage of like that, so I would be angry on his behalf regardless! I care about him, and I don't want him hurt, okay?

And I'm not blaming him, I'm trying to put down the facts and argue the fact that you are blaming everything on me when there were two of us there. And you're right, it doesn't matter that I was drunk. I should have done what I usually do and stopped drinking the moment he took that first shot, so that one of us could keep his wits. I didn't, and yes that is a fuck-up on my part, for thinking that it might be fun to be drunk along with him.

I didn't know he didn't like alcohol. We'd never discussed the topic before, and he never told me. I thought we were just fine and that I was just seeing another side to him because I don't know everything about him. I'm still learning, okay? I'm good at reading people when I try, but I'm not a mind-reader. If I had been sober I would have sought you out the moment he became so...forward, because I know enough to know that isn't normal, but I was stupid and thought I could handle him myself. I'm sorry for that, and I have apologized to him already...

And damnit, yes, I was enjoying getting to hold him and kiss him. I am undeniably attracted to him and so yes I was reveling in that, though I knew better than to let it go farther. The "typical man" you speak of would have given in at the first suggestion, which I didn't, and I resent being even remotely associated with that type of disgusting lackwit. I was fine with having him in my arms and spending time with me. Making out is one thing, sex is by far another. In regards to that, he deserves a hell of a lot better than anything that could have happened in that situation.

[takes a breath, rubbing his eyes and thinking...] ...He only drinks when upset? He was fine and joking...wait. He was watching the confessions. Right before he said he wanted a drink. [frowns.] I wasn't paying attention to them, so I don't know... [wait, cameras in the booths, so maybe...] Is there a security feed? [cop-mode, enabled.] If so then you can at least discern what happened to him as he left...and maybe see if it was something on those screens if the angle allows... [is thinking hard, now, and tugging on a chunk of his hair.]

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Re: [CALL]
2010-04-05 05:27 pm UTC (link)
You'll never understand him the way I do. You'll never even come close. If you couldn't even realize he was upset, then you're an idiot. He acts tough but he wears his heart on his sleeve. You should know in any situation someone who keeps downing one drink after another when you've been on so many dates with and never once took up a martini glass and called for cheers... You should realize that if he was drinking that much, then something was wrong! Not just him, but anybody. No normal person would drink that much unless they were trying to escape something!

You are a "disgusting lackwit," if you can't even turn your penis off for five seconds and see that someone is hurting right in front of you! People who get that drunk when they never touch alcohol want to forget something painful, it's... it's common sense.

He's hurting now, confused and bruised and lost, and you're the asshole who did it to him. I should have never encouraged him to go out with you. You want what every other man wants, and it's clear now. You talk in fancy words, promise fancy things, cook him nice meals... underneath it all, you're a dog. I hope it was good for you, because it sure as hell wasn't good for him. Maybe when you stop jacking off you can learn from your mistakes, but you won't have a second chance with him. You don't deserve him.

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Re: [CALL]
2010-04-05 07:02 pm UTC (link)
You are his brother and have known him all his life. I won't even try to pretend to the fact that I'll ever known him as well as you. He was fine before that and he didn't show it. We were making jokes about the fog, and wanting a drink is not unusual. Just because I've dated doesn't mean I'm an expert, and I should clarify that I wouldn't drink unless I knew for a fact they could handle themselves. Which I didn't know this time, which was idiotic of me for wanting to not overthink things for once and just follow along with him. If your have never done something stupid when you were drunk, then I commend you on being in that minority. I have no clue how much either of us drank, for that matter, just that it was far more than either of us should have.

[wants to snarl, but...no, anger solves nothing. remain calm. he's already angry and yelling at him will make it worse. ...and going cold is worse. he is not a criminal, just a worried big brother.] I. Am. Not. And if you did not hear me before, it was not evident that he was upset. I did not know that he never touched alcohol, so it was not common sense without that necessary information. If I had known that, then I would have worried.

He was only confused and a little lost when I spoke to him last night, before I told him to go to you since...you were the one he wanted for comfort. [and NOW he is hurting, Mr. Rape Kit. >|] And what I want is companionship, not sex. [and is your brother not a man?] I'm fine with waiting however long I have to if I can find the right person. I say what I mean and mean what I say, and nothing I have offered has been false. I understand you are being protective of him, but I will wait for him to judge me himself.

Irregardless of your apparent distaste for me, I am still worried. He said he didn't remember anything, and now he is in possession of someone's belt. And before you ask, no, it is not mine. ...Please watch those security tapes, if there are any. He had to have passed by somewhere in the building with them on his way out, at least.

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Re: [CALL]
2010-04-05 09:00 pm UTC (link)
I'm the one fixing the problem, not making it worse. [HMPH.] Why does it matter who's belt he ended up with, huh? If you don't trust him enough to think he can't walk out of a building without sucking every dick he comes across, then you definitely don't deserve him. And before you think of trying to pin this on another person, the only marks left on him were from you.

I've had enough with speaking to you. Stay away from him, your not his boyfriend and you're not his lover. You're nothing to him. So get over whatever feeling you have for him. Don't become an annoyance to this family. [click!! oh yeah.]

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2010-04-06 03:41 pm UTC (link)
[because you are a prat and hung up. >|]

I trust him. I don't trust other people.

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Re: [TEXT]
2010-04-06 03:45 pm UTC (link)
[NUMBER BLOCKED oh yeah went there]

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