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Minato Namikaze ([info]speedy_recovery) wrote,
@ 2020-01-25 03:54:00

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Entry tags:ooc, phone

[OOC] Phone Post!

Capable of everything. He loves to talk. No really. But he finds texting to be amusing, so he's good with those too. Every form of communication is welcome. :P

Generic Ringtone - ???

Contact List:

Cici - 3 Doors Down - Story of a Girl
Corie - Britt Nicole - Sunshine Girl
Feel Good Main Line - RvB BowChikaWowWow
Uchiha-san(Work Line) - (different ringtone, but still a generic one for now)
Madara - (generic ringtone for now)
Shino - (generic ringtone for now)

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 05:25 am UTC (link)
[doesn't recognize the number though, but promptly picks up anyway, especially since it had a Reno area code.]

Minato Namikaze speaking. May I ask who's calling?

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 05:30 am UTC (link)
...The Stone House Cafe. I'll contact you closer to my date of availability.

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 05:36 am UTC (link)
[blinkblink. wha...? wait, that voice!!! was definitely not expecting a call back the same day...]

O-okay, yeah! Just let me know when. [happy smile on his face and very evident in his voice.]

[bites lip. quietly] ...Thank you. I'm glad you called.

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 05:44 am UTC (link)
[sounds pre-occupied in the background, clack, click, clack, stop.] Would you rather a passed on message?

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 05:53 am UTC (link)
Ah, nono, I just...[ruffles hair] thank you.

[hears the clacking. figures that he must be exceptionally busy if he sleeps in his office some days, and knows that feeling. ...should probably be painting this set himself instead of talking.] So...just let me know when you are free, yeah?

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 06:14 am UTC (link)
Sorry. It was a nice gesture... [stops typing and ruffles his own hair. glad he can take high stress levels.] I'm just... there is a lot that... umm thank you.

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 06:23 am UTC (link)
No need for you to be sorry. [smilesmile. has got that 14-year-old with a valentine kind of warm fuzzy.]

And, um, y'r w'lc'm. [is a little embarrassed.] ... [not sure what else to say, um... oh, there goes a small nervous laugh.]

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 06:32 am UTC (link)
I never got to thank you properly the other day for helping us. You didn't use that leverage to get him to let you into the office did you?

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 06:42 am UTC (link)
[self-deprecating] Don't mention it; really. As I said to him, I'm just glad we were able to get you both out safely. [sounds concerned.]

He said that if he could ever assist me with anything to ask, so I did. I didn't hold it above his head, though; that would just be...ugh. [makes a face.]

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 06:45 am UTC (link)
Well, just to let you know in advance... he isn't going to be there much longer so you better get in my good books to make it into the offices.

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 06:56 am UTC (link)
I'll try my best. [chuckle.] I'm looking forward to my chance.

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 07:09 am UTC (link)
Coffee to start. I haven't fully forgiven you yet, just so you don't get your hopes up too high.

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 07:14 am UTC (link)
Hopefully the start of something new and much longer. [bigsmile] And understood, of course.

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 07:29 am UTC (link)
[something... new and longer... and all thought of work has gone out the window for a second.] We will see. [isn't blushing >_>] Have a good night Mr. Namikaze.

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Re: [Call From Work Phone]
2010-02-17 07:36 am UTC (link)
[is ttly blushing] You as well, Uchiha-san. [said very sweetly. waits a couple moments to make sure there was nothing else, then click.]

[is going to get so much teasing from his coworkers for the blush and unhideable smile~, haha.]

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