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Minato Namikaze ([info]speedy_recovery) wrote,
@ 2010-05-02 20:53:00

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Current location:Home
Current mood: exhausted
Current music:Rob Thomas - Her Diamonds
Entry tags:1.reason for leaving izuna's party, 2.got in a fistfight, 3.was on suicide watch for sister, 4.nowhere near as cheeful as pretending, ic

[005] Recovering.
Apologies to anyone who noticed me being a bit of a zombie this past week. My sister came to visit for a few days and I haven't gotten a lot of sleep.

I also noticed that I don't really know of much to do in town that is low-key. Anybody have any suggestions? She's not as much of a thrill-seeker so I figure it might be good to find something calmer but fun to do next time she visits.

...Also, does anyone have any recommendations for a good doctor? I think my jaw really is cracked.

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2010-05-02 11:26 pm UTC (link)

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2010-05-02 11:34 pm UTC (link)
...As in possibly slightly broken.

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2010-05-02 11:36 pm UTC (link)
... hm. I would definitely go to the hospital.

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2010-05-02 11:42 pm UTC (link)
Nah. I just need an x-ray to see if it really is. Nothing's out of place, it just kinda still hurts after more than a week.

[and he hates hospitals. almost dying in them multiple times does that.]

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2010-05-02 11:59 pm UTC (link)
If your jaw is broken and it heels improperly, you will have to go to a hospital and get your jaw rebroken to be aligned, or just let it heal improperly but that will cause later damage to your teeth and you have a chance of fluids getting into your system that will cause sever damage.

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2010-05-03 12:06 am UTC (link)
That is if it is broken at all. It's possibly just bruised. All I need is an x-ray for now, and then determine if anything more is required. I'm not stupid with my health, but I'd prefer not to make much ado about nothing if it's not serious.

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