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Minato Namikaze ([info]speedy_recovery) wrote,
@ 2010-01-26 18:40:00

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Current location:Home
Current music:Sweet, sweet silence...
Entry tags:birthday, hangovers suck, i love and hate my friends, ic, ow

[002] Dedication.
You know it's dedication when seven of your friends drive three hours to manhandle you out of your apartment to get you piss drunk on your birthday.

The fuckers.

Work was not fun today, though it was not work's fault this time. ...Ow.

I hope they had fun catching this as it rolled around the living room this morning after I left, (hopefully) waking them from drunken stupor.

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2010-01-27 05:36 am UTC (link)
I can pronounce Hashirama fine. ...Senju. So you're the jackass who plays with people's feelings, huh? Pleasure.

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2010-01-27 05:49 am UTC (link)
May I ask what area you work in?

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2010-01-27 05:58 am UTC (link)
Set design. Yourself so I can avoid it?

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2010-01-27 06:20 am UTC (link)
Angel's manager on the outskirts of town. I'm not over in the main building much so it is a shame that we may not be able to meet other than over online. You so far, sound like a decent person.

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2010-01-27 06:30 am UTC (link)
...Why do you have to sound decent? Maybe there's more to it...I do only know one side. But still. There's not many ways to explain that.

Indeed it is. Angel...oh, the brothel, right? For a moment I was wondering who Angel was, hah.

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2010-01-27 06:38 am UTC (link)
That will be the place. Some of the actors you will come across work for me. Let me know if they cause you any trouble.

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