[OOC] Logs, Relationships, and HMD.
Logs:Finished: - 10-02-04. Izuna.
To the Rescue! ...Of a Phone. ......Or Not. - 10-02-22. Izuna. What Could Be Something Beautiful. (
Current: - 10-??-??. Naruto. Meet the Parent
s. (GDoc)
- 10-03-14. Izuna. Second Date. (GDoc)
- 10-??-??. Sasori. I Know You! (GDoc)
- 10-??-??. Izuna. You're a Cop! :O (GDoc)
Planned: - Um...idk, but I wanna luff on all of you. Prz? =3
Character Relationships:Deidara: Gaara: [Hasn't encountered him yet.]Hashirama: Hinata: Itachi: Izuna: Kakashi: Kakuzu: Hasn't met him in person. Knows he apparently hates having old cum in his face. No real opinion on him yet.
Kiba: [Hasn't encountered him yet.]Kisame: Lee: Madara: Naruto: Sakura: Sasori: Doesn't really know him yet.
Was afforded the mercy of him not being there to stare at him coming in on his first day, haha. Thinks he's a good guy for sending him that info on restaurants, though. ...If a little sarcastic for the cookbook comment. Har har.
Sasuke: [Hasn't encountered him yet.]Shino: Shisui: Tobirama: (Updated July 2nd, 2010. Will update when I feel like it.)
How's My Driving?Feel free to comment and let me know what you think of my Minato. Something bothering you about him? Plot hole OMG? You like how I did something? Have a question about something he said/did? Whatever it is, just drop me a line and let me know. :3
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