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It's a kind of magic [05 Nov 2011|03:09pm]
It had been two days since she had been caught. She should have known better than to accept a dinner invitation from a stranger. She thought she would be safe at a restaurant. In public.

In broad day light. They had used some kind of magic to get her to leave with them. Then they bound her in the magical array they had built in the basement of their leader's mansion. She didn't know what it did. Just that every time they worked their magic she was left screaming.

She hadn't even known magic was real!

She had to get out of here. She just had no idea how. She was so tired and they had left her alone in the basement while thy prepared for the next round of whatever it was they were really trying to do. Gotta stay awake she tells herself. Gotta get out of here somehow.

She just has no idea how.
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[05 Nov 2011|02:50pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ:Beth


AIM (if you have one):Chappaiguardian

Character Name: Willamina 'Mina' Larson

Character LJ (if applicable): sparkofmagic

Physical description (face, build, weight): Apparently of mixed Asian and white descent. Mina has dark green eyes and high cheek bones. Other than that and her black hair she looks like am average person. She is fit and dresses well for her body type carrying herself with confidence.

She's also decently tall standing at about five feet and seven inches tall. If she has to she will supplement her height with a good pair of heels.

Age: 22

Birthday: April 30th

Codename (if using one):

PB: (If using one.) Mylène Jampanoï

Abilities: A Homo magi.

Mina has the ability to learn magic. She just needs to find a way to focus it properly. She also has a deep an untapped magical well letting her cast for longer than most people and can also sense magic and figure out how a spell is pieced together by taking a very good look. This can let her disentangle curses much more effectively than the average mage. To further expand on Mina's magic? It's all heavily based in Order and follows it without much deviation.

Very basic investigative skills taught by her adoptive Mother.

Weaknesses and flaws: She's still human with normal human weaknesses.

Mina is also just recently come into her own powers. They are unstable and require her full attention. Mina can't cast Chaos magic. If she were to try to would fall apart on her.

Character location/Home: Mobile. She is Zach Zatara's stage assistant and goes where he goes/

Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero

Team: Shadowpact (when they form again)

Relatives (living/dead?): Biological parents Unknown but presumed Dead, Kathleen Larson (adopted Mom, living), Richard Larson( Adoptive Father, living) Troy Larson (Adopted brother, living)

Backstory: Mina doesn't remember her biological family. Over the years she and her adopted Mother who is a detective have pieced together what went on. Her biological Mother was on the run from unknown persons and was forced to leave her in a park where a homeless man found her. Her Mother was killed by the unknown persons after her and they burned her body so it couldn't be identified fully.

Mina knew that at that point the homeless man found an on duty cop and asked for help not wanting to see an innocent baby hurt in any ways. Eventually Mina was adopted by a local cop and her husband. She grew up in the bust and chaotic home of the detective and her school teacher husband.

Eventually she went away to school on a scholarship at Gotham State University. And that was when things got crazy and she discovered that her biological Mother had placed a seal on her powers to protect her from people who might want to kill her. That was when Zachary Zatar came to her rescue and freed her from the magical cult that would have killed her otherwise.

Seeing she had no training he offered to help her out. So she joined his show as a stage hand so she could learn to do magic and stay under her new teacher's protection from people who might try hurting her.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Discussion with Zach about her apprenticeship under him. Maybe they have to go do a show somewhere.

What are you planning to do with this character? Have her try and find her place in the magical community as Zach's apprentice and as a homo magi. Also have her work with the Shadowpact to help safeguard the world.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: Pretty much what I'm planning to do with her. I also want her to start to grow to be able to match Zach as a spell caster. Also whatever else Terry thinks Zach would teach his student.
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