Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Felix Klein
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight):Felix is 6' 1" and 170lbs. He had Brown hair and Blue eyes.
Age: 20
Birthday: March 24
Codename (if using one):
PB: (If using one.) Cam Gigandet
Abilities: Felix has the ability to take two different powers states that given him access to different powers.
Deflection State- All matter is deflected from Felix’s body not letting anything get closer than three inches to him before sending it flying away. When first activated all matter within three feet of him is sent flying away as it explosively sent flying way by his power. With great concentration he can throw a deflection blast to send whatever it hit flying
Metal State- Felix takes on a large metal form seemingly made of a bunch of scrap metal. In this form he is very hard to hurt and a lot stronger lifting almost 2 tons. He can survive with his body apart in this state and can pull himself back together. He can also cause part of his body or his entire body to violently explode and reform without harm to him.
Felix can speak English, German, and Spanish along with some Alien languages.
Felix owns his own spaceship which he uses for smuggling and transporting people and goods fast. He is a skilled pilot though not much of a fighter pilot but more focused on escapes and evasions. Felix is a ok mechanic who knows his ship very well and can repair most problems with it himself. Due to his work smuggling he is pretty darn good with a blaster too.
Weaknesses and flaws: In his Deflection state he has no control over what gets deflected so can only maintain this state for as long as he can hold his breath. In metal state he can be affected just like metal would be and can only exit this form with his body is completely put back together. While out of those states he is just like a normal human being
Character location/Home: Mobil in Space, From Sector 1678 Planet- Bellassa
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Mostly Good
Team: Independent
Relatives (living/dead?): Fritz Klein- Father, Carlotta Rivera- Mother
Backstory: Felix was born on a Khund prison world as a result of a onetime affair between Fritz and Carlotta. It was his birth that made the Blasters decide to start a prison riot to overthrow the guards and escape. Much to the surprise of all involve it actually worked and the escaped, however the Blasters had no idea where they were or how to get back to earth. They found a nice planet to live on that seemed peaceful and out of the way where Fritz and Carlotta decided to raise their baby.
After a while they became happy on the planet and stopped looking for Earth along with the other Blasters as well. Fritz joined with the planet security agency helping keep law and order on Bellassa and Carlotta became a local Hollownet personality.
Felix grew up hearing all about Earth from his parents and the Blasters. He didn’t leave Bellassa much as a kid but quickly fell in love with space travel and knew that what he wanted to be some sort of space pilot. His parents weren’t thrilled about it but were fine as long as he came home regularly.
Felix worked all through what would amount to high school so that he could buy himself a ship. It wasn’t new but it was his and he loved his baby. His Evening Star is his greatest possession while she does take a bit of work to keep running for him it’s a labor of love that he doesn’t might doing.
He started running a small transport business taking transporting people and things fast of a decent profit. He soon discovered that he could make more money doing smuggling which he was very good at become his main source of income though he still runs a legitimate transporting business on the side.
He has often thought about finding Earth and visiting it but with all that is going on in his life has put it on the side burners.
While Felix does have abilities he prefers to rely on his own skills and smarts to deals with problems and prefers to used his abilities as his ace in the hole in case he does need them.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: An intergalactic seedy bar scene
What are you planning to do with this character? Stuff with people who could logically be in space like Darkstars or Lanterns or any others that would make sense.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Fun not so legal stuff. Finding Earth. Maybe running into trouble with the law
Please include a sample post/scene
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