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kiss my sass ([info]soulmix) wrote,
@ 2008-10-18 19:21:00

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Leave me an anonymous comment pouring your heart out. Say anything. Tell me your stories, your secrets, those things no one ever asks but you wish to tell. Tell me about your love, your hate, your indifference, your joy. Tell me about what's inside of you when you're reading through these entries on your friends list, and tell me why you continue to come back here. Tell me anything. Tell me what you really think of me or yourself. Anything.

Post anonymously. Speak honestly. Post as many times as you like. IP logging is off.

Caity reminded me that it's about time for another one of these. Tell me your problems, friends, Dr. Aeria is in the house. /dork

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Re: not the same anon
2008-10-19 05:31 am UTC (link)
Apparently moreso than talking to people on the internet.

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