FULL NAME: Sophie Marie Roper
NICKNAMES: Soph, Sophie Ropie by her grandparent anyone else calling her Sophie Ropie would get pinched or hexed.
DATE OF BIRTH: April 8th, 1980
BLOODLINE: Muggleborn
SEXUALITY: Straightish
FORMER HOUSE & YEAR: Gryffindor, graduated 1998.
OCCUPATION: Healer Trainee - Potions and Plant Poisoning
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Her own flat near St. Mungo's.
POLITICAL VIEWS: Neutral at game start - views align with The Order of the Phoenix.
PARENTS: Eugene and Carlyn Roper.
FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS: Both Eugene and Carlyn were only children as well. Her grandparents think she went to a normal boarding school and while close when she was younger she has distanced herself as she immersed herself in the wizarding world.
MAGICAL STRENGTHS: Potions, charms, healing.
SPECIAL MAGIC ABILITIES: (Please remember, not everyone is an Animagus/Werewolf/Metamorphmagus/Sparkly Vampire): None
WAND: 10 inches, made of alder with a unicorn tail core
BOGGART: Bee (highly allergic)
PB: Alexis Bledel
www.scribbld.com/allpics.bmlSophie is average height, average weight. Her hair is plain brown if you ask her but it is thick and shiny. Her most noticeable trait is her blue eyes, second to that is her smile. Her style of dress might be called plain by some, but she likes to be comfortable. Her clothes always fit well, and look nice though she doesn't consider herself sexy. Jeans and a comfortable top are what she likes to wear when off work and just hanging out with friends. When out in public in the wizarding world she'll wear robes to fit in better. Her closest contains quite a bit of blue, its her favorite color and goes well with her eyes.
Personality or whatever else you'd like goes here!(About 3 – 4 paragraphs)
LIKES: Spending time with people, animals, potions, charms, pranks, discovering new things in the wizard world. Sophie also tends to touch the people she spends time with, giving them hugs or kisses on the cheek, touching their arm while talking. She's very physical with her friends. Though if she knows that makes them uncomfortable she mostly contains herself.
DISLIKES: Spiders, snakes, bees, all insects really. History, she has no patience memorizing facts and dates. Anyone telling her she isn't good enough because of something she is or isn't (whether being female or muggleborn or anything like that).
HABITS: Sophie is very bad at sitting still, she is constantly fidgeting, tapping her fingers, playing with her rings or hair.
VICES: When she drinks she gets drunk very easily. While by no means an alcoholic anytime she does drink it is usually to excess. Gluttony is the sin she's most guilty of, when she likes anything she can have a bad habit to want it in excess.
Eugene and Carlyn met in university. Eugene was studying medicine and Carlyn to be a teacher. A few years later they had Sophie. Her childhood was normal, she began expressing an interest in science at a young age and would tell anyone who listened that she wanted to be a doctor like her father. A bright, friendly child she always tried to include others in things but would still sometimes feel out of place. Especially when random things seemed to happen whenever her emotions were running high. Her first sign of magic was making colored sparks appear while laughing. Her parents thought at the time it was just a trick of light.
When she got her letter of acceptance to Hogwarts it explained a few things. Her parents worried about her going away to school but this was something new, something exciting, and Sophie begged her parents to let her go. Deciding that it was Sophie's life, they decided to let her go.
Upon arriving at Hogwarts Sophie was sorted into Gryffindor. She loved Hogwarts, learning about magic and the castle. Her favorite class soon became potions, followed second by charms. As her years continued she began dreaming of being a healer, or working in the ministry helping others. When it came time to apply for an internship she applied for two. The first at St. Mungo's on the Potions and Plant Poisoning Department. The second was in the Ministry, for the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. While she was accepted by St. Mungo's she was rejected by the Ministry. Sophie knew a few of the other applicants, and slowly began to believe she had been rejected purely for being a muggleborn, though she has no proof of this. The circumstances have soured her a bit towards the Ministry.
Sophie knew though that her first dream job had always been to be a doctor, and she loved working at St. Mungo's and applied for a full time position upon graduation and was welcomed back.
Now Sophie lives in a flat near St. Mungo's with her six month old black and white kitten named Kelly, or punk depending on Kelly's behavior. Kelly was part of her graduation present. She also has an owl named Serenity.
Note: I've deliberately left things like friendships/relationships vague so plotting can be done with other players if the application is accepted. I'm open to both solid friendships/past relationships/even enemies.
-While drunk she got a Gryffindor lion tattoo on her hip. Only lovers have seen it and she's a bit embarrassed she got it while pissed.
-A small part of her wishes she had gotten the Ministry internship, she wanted to know more about that as a possible career. Sophie also hates being rejected for anything which still burns her.