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Sophie LeBeau

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[Jan. 9th, 2010|07:34 pm]
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Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Letty


AIM (if you have one): tweedledee96

Character Name: Sophie LeBeau

Character LJ (if applicable):

Physical description (face, build, weight): Sophie has long brown hair that falls to her mid back. She has hazel eyes, as both her parents have rare eye colors. She dresses in loose fitting comfortable clothes, and puts on whatever she owns that is clean.
Age: 17

Birthday: Feb. 10

PB: (If using one.) Lindsey Shaw

Abilities: Able to explosively charge inanimate objects which she then can use as bombs. The energy is absorbed from other energy sources, mainly electric and solar. It is stored in her body and discharged in attacks. She is also a skilled pickpocket thanks to her father’s teachings.

Weaknesses and flaws: Sophie shies away from most physical contact, (skin on skin) as a learned trait from her mother. Her power can happen suddenly if very emotional, sudden bursts of anger are most common. After larger discharges of power, it is common for her to have massive migraines.

Character location/Home: Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters

Alignment (villain, hero etc): X- men

Relatives (living/dead?):Remy LeBeau and Anna “Anna Marie” Raven (Rogue), unknown: Alisa and Entienm LeBeau

Backstory: When Rogue found out she was pregnant with Sophie it was a shocker for her and Remy. She was born Feb. 10 at six pounds 2 ounces to her proud parents. Growing up at Xavier’s she watched how her parents interacted with other, following her mother’s example the most. Doing this caused Sophie to be wary of most physical contact with others. Watching her father was another story entirely as he taught her how to pickpocket.

Her powers began to surface when she was fifteen, after her first real boyfriend dumped her. Unknowingly she accidentally blew up his 98 Chevy truck. Finding that her powers were stronger after spending much time outdoors or in brightly lit rooms, her father began to help her learn control. During these lessons she helped him rig a fight he was in with Wolverine that took place in the Danger Room. (Pg. 60 in the Secrets of the X- Men revealed).

Sophie is a bit lazy, and she is not neat. Her clothes are never put away, and she goes out in wrinkled things. She is interested in photography and wants to attend RISD for college. She does both digital and film photography, but prefers the classic ness of film. She is also interested in joining the team like her parents.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Returning to Xavier’s from a school tour of RISD with one of her parents.
What are you planning to do with this character? Hang out and help out the younger and new students.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: become an x- man or woman

Sample post: Sophie sat on a bench in the large back yard of Xavier’s looking through the pictures she had taken that day on her digital camera. There were some pictures of some of the younger students smiling happily with their innocent youthful smiles. These photos brought a smile to her face as she scrolled through them. The photos changed to pictures of trees around the yard, natural beauty and part of the safety of home. Continuing to scroll through the photos she felt a vibration in her front pocket. Pulling out her black and silver cell phone she saw the name dad across the screen. She pressed send and brought the phone to her ear. “Yes father?” she asked with her fake innocent voice which she used on her parents on a daily basis. She laughed at something he said, “I will be there in a second.” She said and hung up the phone and turned off the camera. She took one last calming breath before heading back into the school for another training session with Gambit. If it was exploding a full deck of cards again she was sure to kill him.

