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I took a percocet so, this is going to be long. haha...
Let's see.. I'm a level 28 fire mage on WOW! hooray! Tab, Damon, Gage, & Ronnie (my sister & nephews) all play on our server now so, I get to play with my family! It's the most of I've talked to them in forever & it's really nice being able to do something with them. I've felt so lonely lately & I'm so happy to be able to interact with my family every day...even if it is just in this video game. mhmm. People can knock it all they want but, it really is awesome. It brings SO MANY different types of people together..it's amazing. People you would never ever in your wildest dreams be friends with, y'know? We have nurses, army men, students, & parents in our guild. One of the guys is one rank away from being the top dog of his army base, and two other guys in our guild are in Iraq right now. I really like the people we play with. Most of them are parents so, they understand when we can't play hardcore & it's really nice being able to talk about our children. ^_^ When I play WOW, I feel like my life is a little bit more exciting which, is really fucking lame but, being able to shoot fireballs & freeze people to the ground is a lot more interesting to me than being a waitress.
I went to go see Tab for the first time in MONTHS Monday. It was a good visit but, I missed Jason like crazy. I thought it'd be a good idea to have some time away from each other....nope. I felt like crap being away from him for so long. haha. I'm a big baby. When we sleep, We sleep with our backs to each other most nights but, our feet and legs are intwind & touching all night. I didn't have that...I had a big(COMFY AS FUCK) couch & Nik kicking me in my side. As insane as Jason makes me sometimes..I really do love him. He's so fucking sweet. The other night I had a horrible dream about our house getting broken into. When I woke up, it was 5am & I was scared to death to get up & pee. and DEAR GOD did I have to fucking pee. So, after 45 minutes of laying there trying to get up enough courage to walk to the bathroom, I woke Jason up. He got right up, walked me to the bathroom, turned on the light for me, waited in the hall, & walked me back to the room. He even offered to stay up with me until I fell back to sleep. Now first of all, I know I'm a damn baby..stfu. Secondly, that's one of the sweetest fucking things he's done. Most people would have laughed & rolled back over or made fun of me. = ) He has so many things that piss me off or irritate me but, honestly, I embrace every bit of him. I really do. When you love someone, even their flaws are attractive to you.
Nik is growing so damn fast. He's such a little cutie though. He's started saying "ta-da" when you give him something which is him trying to say thank you. He also knows what "night night" means & he'll grab your hand & lead you to his bedroom. We're now working on picking up his toys & putting them in his toy box which, he's catching onto quickly. He's also pretty much off of baby baby food. He eats the toddler stuff & normal food. He's so good at feeding himself. We just need to work on teaching him how to use a fork & spoon! haha. He'll also sit there & talk to you. Like, carry on a conversation. he tries SO HARD to talk. I love it. I love my little monkey.
*sigh* It's raining & I'm sleepy. Sorry for all the cursing & spelling mistakes. I feel like I'm talking out of my ears...& I'm falling asleep at the keyboard.