Dinadan Palmer - Random Scenario Meme: 4, 10 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Random Scenario Meme: 4, 10 [Jan. 24th, 2012|12:00 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]littleladylord
2012-01-24 06:33 am (UTC)


"Unless I get evidence to the contrary from my credit card statement, I'm going to assume we were teleported by whoever wasa controlling our minds." Cindy was staring in horror at the disposable clip-on tulle veil clutched in her hands. "Good news is, Nevada annullments are reasonably quick."
[User Picture]From: [info]sonoftheatom
2012-01-24 06:40 am (UTC)


"Do you think that was what happened?" Dinadan brightens considerably more than he normally would at the prospect of having been mind-controlled. "It would explain a few things. Unless I wrote notes to myself explaining why I thought it was a good idea. I do that sometimes."

He glanced around the room. "Please tell me I was teleported here with pants."
[User Picture]From: [info]littleladylord
2012-01-24 06:52 am (UTC)


"The... pants are behind the lamp," Cindy realizes with a strange crestfallen tone in her voice, before taking a breath. "The theory's the one that makes the most sense with the evidence we have at this point. Only a fifth dimensional imp could come up with something like this. Maybe we could get drunk to get all 'I love you, man'--" Din was a dear, after all "-- but I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as too drunk not to be a lesbian. Right?"
[User Picture]From: [info]sonoftheatom
2012-01-24 07:20 am (UTC)


"Oh good, thanks," Dinadan flails about until he successfully retrieves his pants. "I...don't think there is? And I doubt I'd be your exception if there was."

He pulls his pants on and then has nothing more to fidget with. Crud. "The only question that theory leaves us with is why? What purpose does us getting Vegas-married serve? Well, that and 'who', so there are several questions, but they're all in the 'wh'-question grouping, so it sort of counts as one and I'm rambling, sorry."
[User Picture]From: [info]littleladylord
2012-01-24 07:30 am (UTC)


"S'okay. And yeah, no offense, pal, but I doubt it, too," she mutters. ".... some cosmic force wants Saishu to embrace her inner Butcher? Wow, that's not optimistic there, self."
[User Picture]From: [info]sonoftheatom
2012-01-24 07:48 am (UTC)


"Not offended," Dinadan says with a bit of a grin. "Kind of relieved. Not because you're not attractive or anything, but again, girlfriends that we both have who are terrifying."

He grimaces at the mention of Saishu embracing her inner Butcher. "Um. Can I really hope that's not the reason? I am deeply in favor of Saishu not embracing her inner Butcher as a result of my actions, mind-controlled or otherwise."
[User Picture]From: [info]littleladylord
2012-01-24 07:55 am (UTC)


"Yeah, Let's make sure there's none of that. I mean, not that I'm going to lie to her about it, just explain in the proper context, how she's still the only person I want to marry when I'm thinking straight, so... no embracing."
[User Picture]From: [info]sonoftheatom
2012-01-24 08:19 am (UTC)


"Lying about this would probably lead to nothing but bad things happening when the lie got found out," Dinadan agrees. "So yes, proper context. Would it help if I baked her something? Baked her something and sent it with you, obviously, since I'll probably be talking to Petra around the same time."
[User Picture]From: [info]littleladylord
2012-01-24 08:23 am (UTC)


"Definitely couldn't hurt. Your stuff is great; it probably hath charms to sooth the savage breast." A deep breath. "Right. Honesty. Context. And possibly honeycakes."
[User Picture]From: [info]sonoftheatom
2012-01-24 08:29 am (UTC)


"If I've learned one thing over the years, it's that many problems can be at least ameliorated by judicious application of delicious carbohydrates," Dinadan says. He glances at the window. "It occurs to me, I really hope that we're in Las Vegas. I assumed, because, well, the room looks like something you'd see in 'Vegas, and it looks like there's neon outside the window, but considering we don't know why or who, we might be on another planet. Can you do inter-planetary travel on your own or are we going to need a rescue if we are on another planet?"
[User Picture]From: [info]littleladylord
2012-01-24 08:32 am (UTC)


"If you shrunk down enough for me to cover us both, I could get us home from another planet. Eventually. Best way to check, does my phone have reception?" She gets it out of her purse.
[User Picture]From: [info]sonoftheatom
2012-01-24 08:46 am (UTC)


"'Eventually' is better than a flat 'no'," Dinadan says philosophically. He crawls out of bed to peer over her shoulder at the phone.
[User Picture]From: [info]littleladylord
2012-01-24 08:54 am (UTC)


And the phone indeed has reception. "Well. That makes the situation both simpler and more complicated. Should... we call home, or should we go straight home?"
[User Picture]From: [info]sonoftheatom
2012-01-24 09:22 am (UTC)


Dinadan chews on his lower lip, running a hand through his hair. "I say call. Let Saishu know that you're all right, so she doesn't wake up and find you gone without a trace and freak out. Then we can get home and work out what the heck happened and why."