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Keith Queen

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Into Crime Alley [07 Jan 2011|02:20am]
The Green Arrow tread lightly in Gotham the night after news of the murder of the Artist hit the streets.  He was a wanted criminal, but he couldn't let that top him from doing patrols around Gotham.  He just had to be more sneaky about it.  Keith was extremely sneaky in making his way to the meeting place with Robert.  He was finally going to get to talk about things with a brother he never knew he had.  Things with the Artist didn't seem so important anymore, now that he had a distraction keeping him going.
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Brothers in Arms [03 Jan 2011|10:27am]

. Gotham Police find the Artist dead with a green colored arrow sticking out of his skull.  Knowing that the Green Arrow is in town, they put two and two together and start a search for the "hero-turned-criminal".

2.  Keith and Robert meet up in Crime Alley, as per their discussion, to mull over things.  They start out busting up thugs, but some bigger named Gotham criminals tail them for the chance to turn the Green Arrow in.

3.  Keith and Robert take down the criminals that attack them and decide it's best for Keith to stay out of costume for awhile.

4.  Keith is arrested at the airport after his secret identity is leaked to the public.  Robert helps him break out of jail and Keith is on the run.

5.  Keith and Robert encounter Batman and Robin and have brief banter.  It's emotional stuff here mostly, for Keith and Marissa.  Keith will refuse to turn himself in, and a fight ensues.  Keith and Robert beat Batman and Robin and escape.

6.  League of Assassins is contacted through Robert and Keith sets himself up there for the time being, joining the League out of confusion and a desire to stick with his brother.  *Sit-down with Damien and Morgaine for this.


1.  On his first mission for the League, Keith is sent with Robert to assassinate a foreign mafioso visiting Star City.

2.  The hit is interrupted by Sin and Tim Drake, who try to talk Keith down during a confused fight.  Keith is knocked out some time during the fight.

3.  Robert claims responsibility for the death of the Artist, and convinces Sin and Tim that Keith had no part in it.

4.  Robert escapes and leaves Keith to restore his public status.  Merlyn is publicly stated to have framed the Green Arrow.

5.  Family meeting ensues (Roy, Connor, Lian, Keith, Ollie, Dinah, Sin).  *This may or may not end up being done on screen.  I just felt I needed to clarify that the family will be having a talk about things.

6.  Tim goes to Ollie and explains that he think Keith really was the killer, but he's overlooking it Just This Once.

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Ancestors [23 Nov 2010|10:54pm]

1. The government approaches a select few heroes and asks for their help.  Heroes help.

2. It becomes revealed that a top secret project was stolen from the government.  It's a machine that sends the conscious of person back in time to the body of an ancestor.  The thief is unknown.

3. Heroes are set up in remaining machines and each are sent back to various time periods where unknown, history making events are taking place.  Each hero is given an extensive lesson on the time period they are going to.

4. When heroes arrive, they take control of their respective ancestors bodies and begin hunting.  (Heroes who inhabit ancestors with particular skills take in that knowledge and become better in whatever it is when they return.)

5. Heroes defeat the villains and make sure the historic event that is happening will occur.

. Heroes return and leave.  Behind the scenes, government congratulates itself on the test it gave to the selected heroes for passing a test.  The machine was never stolen.

1. Stop Alexander the Great from returning alive.
2. Ensure the death of Julius Cesar.
3. Ensure that William Dawes Jr. succeeds in his night ride.


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The One and Only Green Arrow [09 Jun 2010|11:56am]
Connor Hawke defeats street level criminals and rescues the surviving baby. 
He adopts the baby, promptly removing him from the Superhero scene.

ACT 1.
Keith quits the YJLA due to inadequacy issues and looks to better himself at

ACT 2.
After Connor reveals that he is no longer the Green Arrow, Keith talks to his
father about taking up the mantle.  It takes a bit of persuasive action, but Keith
managed to convince Ollie to let him be the new Green Arrow.

ACT 3.
With Archer no longer on the scene, the new Green Arrow takes to the streets
for some crime fighting.  His first experience is against a mysterious woman
who he fight and loses to, and is left hospitalized.

ACT 4.
Ollie and Dinah try to convince Keith to drop the Superhero scene altogether,
but Keith refuses.  They work out a new, tougher training regimen for Keith
so that he will be better prepared for enemies like the woman he lost to.
Keith's friends are also there for him, and visiting him in the hospital.

Keith is recovered and out on the streets again.  He's not out for revenge,
but he can't forget that woman.

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Test Scene [25 Mar 2010|11:11pm]
It was a lazy day in Star City, and Keith Queen just wanted company.  He hit up a friend to hang out in the house and plan schemes and jokes for The Mom and Dad to return to.
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