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Marvel Avengers Alliance [02 Nov 2013|12:21am]

Warrior's Intuition- Has a chance of evading attacks and then countering attack.

L1- Bladedancer- Single target slashing melee attack. Applies bleeding. Applies Bloodlust to Saraid which increases her for each stack of bleeding on opponents.

L2- Aife's Training- Single target slashing melee attack. 2 turn cooldown. Applies Overwhelmed. Overwhelmed makes it do that on oppenent's next turn their attacks can only hit Saraid.

L6- Battle Frenzy- Targets all opponents for an unarmed melee attack. Applies Frenzied to Saraid. Frenzied causes Saraid to counter attack bleeding targets.

L9- Turn the tide- All allies buff or all enemies debuff. On allies as a chance of removing debuffs and replacing them with their opposite buff. On opponents it has the opposite effect, removing buff and replacing them with debuffs. Starts of cooled down has a 4 turn cooldown.
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Marvel Avengers Alliance [02 Nov 2013|12:44am]

Celtic Blacksmith- Has a chance of applying weakness or armor melt on opponents when they attack. Increased odds when they attack him.

L1- Blacksmith's Hammer- Single target melee attack. Applies disabled.

L2- Spellforged Blade- Single target slashing melee attack. Applies Debuffed and Shieldbreaker.

L6- Fires of the Forge- Single target fire melee attack. Exploits armor melt. Applies burning.

L9- Armory of the Gods- All allies buff- Grants Weapons of the Gods which increases attack and accuracy or Armor of the Gods which increases defense and evasion.
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[ viewing | November 2nd, 2013 ]
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