Eiltin's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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I absolutely love her when she smiles [19 Jan 2013|12:16am]
Eiltin had come back to Grace's place where he stay while he was in the mortal world after a busy day spent hunting with Ruarc. He had made some nice kills and had let Ruarc keep a few while he stored the rest away from Grace. Something about bloody dead animals in her apartment didn't sit right with her for some reason. Ruarc was lying down on the couch that he had claimed and marked as his sleeping for all the exciting activity. Eiltin was playing around on his harp with some new tunes and melodies for songs he was working on while he waited for Grace to get home from her job. He still didn't get why she needed it but wasn't complaining since the job usually made her happy.
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[ viewing | January 19th, 2013 ]
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