[cm] boooooooored
Forces' Sweetheart ([info]solpadeine) wrote on February 28th, 2008 at 06:11 am
Icons:Robyn Hitchcock (29)
I am, very likely, the only person in RPdom who is PBing Robyn Hitchcock. But you--yes, you--could be the second, or even the third. He is not a pretty PB. Robyn's sex appeal is pretty debatable, but if he is sexy at all, most would agree that it's in an ugly way. When he was younger he had buck teeth, a unibrow, and hair that looked like a lawnmower cut it. In his later years, well, he is old. Some of his photos are actively frightening.

Iconnable non-concert photos of him are hard to come by, so at 29 I feel very accomplished. There's quite an age range, which works for me but might not for you. No money returned.

As for his music, he is some kind of weird squirrelly English genius, which is why I use him for cut tags and titles and such on this journal. Have a listen ("Sometimes I Wish I Was a Pretty Girl). You're in or you're out after that, but if you have some time and want to hear his eerie vocal resemblance to Lennon, here's more. Track 5, "The President", in particular is fantastic.

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