[cm] boooooooored
Forces' Sweetheart ([info]solpadeine) wrote on August 11th, 2008 at 08:50 pm
Icons: John Cusack (147)
So, as my dedicated fans know, my oldest character (at like what, three years?) is PB'd by Chris Marquette. Who I adore, even though he is not getting my recent memos re facial hair and why he should not have it, or why short hair makes his face look fatter and why's he gotta make my job difficult, or why can't he be in good movies. I ignore this sort of recalcitrance because he's that cute. BUT after a time jump and some regular old time passage in-game, Marquette is beginning to look a bit excessively wet behind the ears--the character started off at 17 and is now 25 and married. And okay, Marquette is compared to Cusack fairly often but in some of Cusack's early pictures it actually scared me. I didn't even use a bunch of the older pictures because the resemblance was so close that it seemed a little pointless.

Anyhow, like a lot of girls my age I have a sick crush on this man dating back to my adolescent years. Grosse Pointe Blank (whence most of these icons) remains one of my favourite movies ever. It is sad that Cusack succumbed to the Irish Fathead Curse, but we can all remember the good times.

Caps from Leave Me the White and JohnCusack.us (God love em and I am glad they exist but that site was a trial to go through, 155 pages of photos with absolutely no organisation).

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