07 July 1983 @ 02:37 pm
this is a subject  
Here is an entry that feaures the use of bolding words. This is dummy text, intended to demonstrate to the designer what the finished product of the layout will look like when coding is implement and applied to text. Like in this journal, where it is possible that many italics will be used. Of course, one should also think about using large font. You can never predict too many design variables in any given element. Also, underlining. Rarely used, but should be accounted for.

Of course, there is also the blockquote, which can have a surprising number of style elements attributed to it, that one might not ordinarily think of. I often forget this, and only learn of it when I use it casually in an entry and realize by looking at friends' pages that they are formatted much differently than my own

So that is all fine and good, but one should never fail to consider the livejournal cut text ) tag. It's a very important feature, used in nearly every entry I write, and therefore it must look perfect.
