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Armadillo Jr. App [21 Feb 2012|09:12pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Paul E
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Manuel "Manny" Rodriguez
Character LJ (if applicable): hard-but-soft
Physical description (face, build, weight): 6'9", 750 lbs. Face is an orange-brown color with black eyes with red pupils, allowing for vision in the dark. Not as massive as his father, Manny is still a powerful physical specimen, albeit shorter and leaner. He has inherited his father's hard, armored shell and toughened skin, as well as slightly smaller claws which he can retract somewhat.
Birthday: 5/22/1991
PB: (If using one.)
Codename: (if using one) Armadillo, nicknamed Junior

Abilities: Manny possesses superhuman strength, a high degree of resistance to bodily harm, and sharp claws on his hands and feet. The armor plating and tough hide covering his entire body enabling him to withstand the force of ballistic weaponry up to light anti-tank weapons without penetration. His skin can withstand brief exposure to flame, ice, and acid without damage. His bones and muscles have inherited increased durability from his parents, allowing him to a degree withstanding the impact of being hit by a truck carrying ten tons of cargo traveling at 40 miles per hour without serious injury. Manny possesses superhuman endurance as well, enabling him to exert himself at peek capacity for over an hour before fatigue begins to impair his performance. Despite his mass, he can move as quickly as a normal sized athletically inclined man. His claws aren't as sharp as his dad's, but they are strong enough to rend gouges in cinderblock and medium-density steel. Coupled with his great strength, he can break through a standard 4 inch steel-reinforced cinderblock wall in less than a minute, or dig a hole in the earth deep enough to fit his entire body in a little over a minute. He is also trained in a variety of wrestling and street-fighting techniques by his mother.

Weaknesses and flaws: Even though he can retract his claws somewhat, they still make finer manipulation difficult. While he has inherited a more humanoid appearance from his mother's genes, he also does not have the same upper limits as his father. As such, feats his father could do are more difficult or take longer for Manny to accomplish. He does not share the same level of durability, though is still very hard to hurt permanently. Manny is a very friendly young man, and as a result doesn't like to hurt people if he can help it. This lack of a killer instinct was said to have been his greatest flaw while in the UWF.

Character location/Home: Travels, but currently NYC.
Alignment (villain, hero etc):Neutral, but with heroic tendencies.
Team: (if on one)  Thunderbolts
Relatives (living/dead?): Antonio Rodriguez (father, alive), Anita Ehren (mother, alive)
Backstory: Manuel Rodriguez is the son of reluctant supervillains and UWF veteran wrestlers, the Armadillo and Battleaxe. Initially Battleaxe was dared by her fellow Grapplers to go out with the shy Antonio. What started as a dare turned into a genuine fondness and later developed into a relationship. The pair were surprised to discover Anita was pregnant as the two didn't believe they were genetically compatible enough for a child. Antonio went to his former benefactor, Captain America, who in turn put the pair into contact with the knowledge to help them. In the end, the pregnancy was a success and Manuel Rodriguez was born.
Sharing a similar, though more human-like appearance to his father, it was clear Manny wouldn't have a normal life. This didn't seem to stop him as he trained with his mother to follow in his parents' footsteps as a wrestler in the UWF. While he was good, and had several major victories under his belt, Manny was a gentle soul at heart and didn't like hurting his opponents too much in the ring. UWF executives decided he wouldn't be a profitable investment and manufactured an excuse to let him go. While saddened, he pushed on and became a bodyguard for celebrities. He came to enjoy his new job as it allowed him to travel all over and see the world. Plus protecting people was much more to his liking than hurting them. Junior would become something of a minor celebrity himself.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Working on a job and runs into another super-powered types.
What are you planning to do with this character? He realizes he needs a more steady income and considers another job. Does not want to make the mistakes his parents made.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Grows into the idea of being more of a hero.
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