1. Who are you? Cor!
2. Yay! How long have we been RPing together? A year and a bit! I think. You know how I am with teh maths.
3. What was your first impression about our Rps? Idk why, but you intimiated me a little at first! You write a lot and you're even more descriptive than I am (WHICH IS A TASK, HIGH FIVE). But I quickly decided I love you all over and that went away ;].
4. First characters we played together? Otto and Lily
5. Most amusing scene from one of our Rps? LMAO OUR SCENES AREN'T VERY FUNNY USUALLY. ]: OH OH. I was cracking up at Kali and Cecilia fighting on the journals after the Evan thing came out lolol. They're so dramatic <333.
6. Most depressing? I can't even pick one single moment, dude, but they're all in the Evan/Cecilia category. I guess the one when she was taking care of him after the DEs had punished him, that was pretty sobby for me ]:.
7. Sappiest/most romantic? Graeme and Joy, even though they weren't even romantic or dating or whatever, they were so sappy and cute lmao.
8. Cutest couple from our Rps? Graeme/Joy totally, even though they're not around anymore.
9. Cutest friends? GOD IDK. Can I say same as above? I feel so repetitive lmao.
10. What's your favorite character that I play/have played? Why? Evan. He's so hard on the outside and broody and deep and all that. Really three-dimensional. Love him to death.
11. Least favorite? Why? Umbridge lmao. I LOVE HOW YOU PLAY HER, but GOD THAT WOMAN.
12. Something you'd like to RP/see happen in an RP with me at some point (no matter how random!)? Jones and Nicole should RP together sometime, I think!
13. Name a song that reminds you of one of our couples/one of my characters and why you chose it. Never Had a Dream Come True by S Club 7 because now that Graeme and Joy are broken up, it fits even better. So it's still a song that makes me think of him/them!
14. Anything in particular that makes my style of RPing stand out from others'? So so so so descriptive! :]
15. Anything I could improve on? Maybe be a little LESS descriptive sometimes, but idk, don't take that seriously, because the descriptiveness makes your style what it is! I REALLY DON'T KNOW. I HAD TO SAY SOMETHING.
16. Character of mine you'd like to see more of? LOCKHART LMAO.
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