1. Who are you? Cristina! Gosh!
2. Yay! How long have we been RPing together? Ohmigosh. I guess a bit more than a year!
3. What was your first impression about our Rps? (IE, were you nervous, intimidated, disappointed, impressed, amused, annoyed?) Teee our first RP was Ron/Luna so I mean, how can I not think you were awesome? lmao Asparagus is a funny vegetable XD
4. First characters we played together? ...XD Ron and Luna! But then I think at Valesco it was James and Otto.
5. Most amusing scene from one of our Rps? BABY FIGHT
6. Most depressing? Augh okay, I would say the obvious answer and be like "Anything with Caden/Estella" but holy shit did that Eliza/Dedalus thread the other day make me go ;_______; First fights are the worrrrrst.
7. Sappiest/most romantic? Estella coming back and being like "Nyeh gonna stay the night >__>" cause that's just hot
8. Cutest couple from our Rps? Eliza and Dedalus! Though Giada and Graeme are like EUGJDSNGKJSG off the wall cute so it's different lmao
9. Cutest friends? Awwww ummmmmm. Emmeline and Dedalus even though they're kinda tense at the mo' XD Yay bodyguards
10. What's your favorite character that I play/have played? Why? I'm obsessed with Dedalus. I made up a girlfriend for him, so, I mean. Come on.
11. Least favorite? Why? Uh Umbridge because she's a fucking bitch lmao but that's not your fault you're just going with the canon XD
12. Something you'd like to RP/see happen in an RP with me at some point (no matter how random!)? We've...never had a baby? XD
13. Name a song that reminds you of one of our couples/one of my characters and why you chose it. CHEEEER UP SLEEEEEEEEEPYYY JEAAAAAAN OHHHH WHAT CAN IT MEAAAAN
14. Anything in particular that makes my style of RPing stand out from others'? Long ass tags XD
15. Anything I could improve on? Errrraaaaaaaaaah your sleeping patterns rofl
16. Character of mine you'd like to see more of? Ottooooo!
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